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Melted CableMod 4090 90 degree adapter

I agree, i am going to be using the seasonic 90deg cable when its available. If it melts, will they both worm there way out of any claim.
Stuff happens. I can accept that I will sometimes encounter the inconvenience of a device failing and needing to RMA it.

However, I do not accept the inconvenience of getting bounced between two manufacturers for a failed part. The the manufacturer of the failed component should be prusumed responsible for repair.

The stuff I fix in the field sometimes dies due to power surges during bad storms, but we still repair/replace the components. The only time we refuse a repair is in case of obvious abuse. (Physical damage from being dropped, dried soda syrup on the PCB after a spill, etc)

I think, at the very least, PSU manufacturer's cables should be presumed-good, but right now they apperantly are not.

I think Cablemod has an opportunity to cement themselves as the most viable alternative to the adapter eye-sores that are supplied with GPU's now. (Even over PSU manufacturers' cables)

Just streamline and advertise what they are already doing. Tell customers that they (Cablemod) will cover any melting issues up front with no need to even bother with the GPU manufacturers.

They could even get away with charging more for each cable/adapter they sell. (I would pay more for the convenience)

After Gigabyte's email, I am back to the ugly adapter. If cablemod were to offer a streamlined guarantee, I would use that over anything else that leaves the current "gray area" we see now.
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If anyone is interested ASUS are currently running a 'void your warranty' promotion when you purchase one of their RTX40xx GPUs.

ASUS cablemod promo

You couldn't make it up
If I was the OP i'd be contacting the retailer and Asus raging about the outcome and this so called promo.

@mattp1986 Contact Gamers Nexus and show them your emails, info from the repair company about all the fixes and this Asus Cablemod promo, they'll probably make a video and maybe push Asus in the right direction. Atleast name and shame
I'd say this is the most outrageous I've seen yet. Any company telling me I can't use the provided with my PSU can get ****!

Other AIB's may be taking the same approach with the melting 4090s but ASUS have been using similar practices for years to weasel their way out of honouring warranties and coming up with ways to blame the customer for reasons why their over priced poor quality product has failed.
OK, calm down.

In this case with this user, have Asus said anything to the OP about the psu?

Not that I have seen, but I may have missed it.

I stand by my original post.
Asus cannot be expected to take responsibility for something that "could" be caused by an external product.

If in this case the cablemod product wasn't used, the power socket still melted and Asus were all like "nah, it's your psu" then yeah feel free to goto town and rant about it.

But, to reiterate, in this case that did not happen.
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OK, calm down.

In this case with this user, have Asus said anything to the OP about the psu?

Not that I have seen, but I may have missed it.

I stand by my original post.
Asus cannot be expected to take responsibility for something that "could" be caused by an external protuct.

If in this case the cablemod product wasn't used, the power socket still melted and Asus were all like "nah, it's your psu" then yeah feel free to goto town and rant about it.

But, to reiterate, in this case that did not happen.

I'm not going to go looking through the thread again but there was a post and the wording from Asus suggested that if you don't use included adapters then warranty is void. Someone with an Asus cards needs to email them to clarify really.

Whilst you on the Asus defence. Whats your excuse for the Asus 20% off Cablemod at the expense of your warranty promo?
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Just to update the thread, I've had a response from CableMod today, who have told me to contact Asus and if they refuse RMA then they will cover the cost of any repairs for the 4090 themselves.
Very helpful and it's good to know if Asus try to wriggle out of a warranty claim then CableMod have your back, can't fault them really.
Will update the thread once I've heard back from Asus

Sounds good right? Until Asus completely reject the repair, what happens if asus just say no?

Edit: 3rd party repair I see - In which case goodbye Asus warranty.
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I'm not going to go looking through the thread again but there was a post and the wording from Asus suggested that if you don't use included adapters then warranty is void. Someone with an Asus cards needs to email them to clarify really.

Whilst you on the Asus defence. Whats your excuse for the Asus 20% off Cablemod at the expense of your warranty promo?
I'm not defending anyone, just looking at the situation without any skin in the game.

Ultimately this is an nvidia problem which was passed onto the AIBs, and with Asus was passed onto cablemod who in turn accept responsibility.

You could email Asus yourself to get clarification, you won't need to own an Asus gpu in order to contact them.

In very general sense, if you buy something, manufacturer states it must be used with xyz.
You choose to either agree to that and keep your warranty, or you decide you know better and use abc.

If you don't follow the guidance and things fall over, you are the one to blame.

I'll say it one last time.
Cablemod are on the hook for this.
I'm not defending anyone, just looking at the situation without any skin in the game.

Ultimately this is an nvidia problem which was passed onto the AIBs, and with Asus was passed onto cablemod who in turn accept responsibility.

You could email Asus yourself to get clarification, you won't need to own an Asus gpu in order to contact them.

In very general sense, if you buy something, manufacturer states it must be used with xyz.
You choose to either agree to that and keep your warranty, or you decide you know better and use abc.

If you don't follow the guidance and things fall over, you are the one to blame.

I'll say it one last time.
Cablemod are on the hook for this.
One thing you don't seem to be getting. If Asus are running a promotion with Cablemod then they are promoting the using of their cables. Surely if they are promoting the use of the cables then they need to accept some responsibility.
If Asus are running a promotion with Cablemod then they are promoting the using of their cables. Surely if they are promoting the use of the cables then they need to accept some responsibility.

You would have to bring that up with Cablemod.
But to quote myself
"Ultimately this is an nvidia problem which was passed onto the AIBs, and with Asus was passed onto cablemod who in turn accept responsibility."

You have your opinion, I have mine.. Although yours seems more fuelled by emotion but that's just how your post seem to come across.

I have absolutely nothing to gain from anything here, regardless off the outcome it will have no impact on me at all.

OP, hope you get it sorted and kudos for keeping a cool head.
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If I was the OP i'd be contacting the retailer and Asus raging about the outcome and this so called promo.

@mattp1986 Contact Gamers Nexus and show them your emails, info from the repair company about all the fixes and this Asus Cablemod promo, they'll probably make a video and maybe push Asus in the right direction. Atleast name and shame

Is this satire? Gamers Nexus basically did a shill video for Nvidia saying it was all user error and not Nvidia’s poor design.
Is this satire? Gamers Nexus basically did a shill video for Nvidia saying it was all user error and not Nvidia’s poor design.

It's been a while since a saw the video but I don't remember it being a shill video. Something more along the lines of user error as the plug over heats when not fully seated but its a design flaw of the cable that allows the user error to happen in the first place.
Yeah I saw the Gamers Nexus video, was pointing mainly to user error for the melting cables, have no interest in dragging up all that again tbh, what's done is done. In fairness from what I'm hearing the CableMod 90 degree adapter does have more of these melt issues than just a direct cable connection, but obviously it still happens, just less often.

If anyone is still using the 90 degree adapter I'd recommend taking it out for now, CableMod are working on an upgraded version apparently, but I've pretty much lost interest at this point.

I'm probably gonna sell the 4090 once it's repaired/replaced and go with a 7900XTX, I'll lose 15-20% performance but I'd take that over a bricked GPU any day of the week.

Appreciate all the replies, hope to hear more regarding the GPU repair over the coming days, will update this thread till I'm all sorted.

Cheers guys

Irrespective of whether it's Cablemod adapters, the OEM one or dedicated 3rd party cables it would be interesting to get an updated figure on the number of 'melts' recorded. I know NV quoted something like 50-100 to Gamersnexus early on but have remained tight quite lipped since.

(not intending to stir the pot, just genuinely curious as a 4090 owner)
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Looks like cablemod are offering store credit to those who purchased a v1 adaptor from them, against a new updated cable. Not sure if or how that applies if you bought it from OCuk however…
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