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Melted CableMod 4090 90 degree adapter

Well had my first response from Asus this morning and it was exactly as I expected, they've said its a Customer induced case and I will be unable to RMA the card, so basically I've got to send it to a 3rd party for repairs and luckily CableMod are going to reimburse me the costs including shipping once it's finished.

Very poor from Asus, but again I think all the AIB companies would probably do the same. I'll be thinking long and hard before I ever buy a Nvidia GPU again, spent the best part of 2 grand on a GPU with a supposed 3 year warranty and now I'm left with this, Crazy
Warranty not worth the paper it’s written on except if bought direct from Jensen- I’ve had really good experience with RMA 3090 FE about 2-3 times over coil whine, loose heat sinks and overheating. They pay for home pickup and international air freight and return in most cases a new retail gpu.
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You've got to look at the positives in these situations. With this one, it's thinking at least you've been saved from the shambles of starfields release. Sure, it's not ideal having a top end card partially melting in 2023, but once you see the dead world, empty promises and the need for 4786 hotfixes over the space of 6 months to even enjoy things, this will all be a distant memory.
Well had my first response from Asus this morning and it was exactly as I expected, they've said its a Customer induced case and I will be unable to RMA the card, so basically I've got to send it to a 3rd party for repairs and luckily CableMod are going to reimburse me the costs including shipping once it's finished.

Very poor from Asus, but again I think all the AIB companies would probably do the same. I'll be thinking long and hard before I ever buy a Nvidia GPU again, spent the best part of 2 grand on a GPU with a supposed 3 year warranty and now I'm left with this, Crazy
Such a shame that Asus is not taking responsibility for it. At least in this instance cablemod has agreed to replace the card for you otherwise you'd be short £2000.

I also think in this particular case that the fault lies with Nvidia and their 12-pin connectors.

I've owned past GPUs from Nvidia that lasted for 5+ years before me upgrading and haven't had any issues with them.
Such a shame that Asus is not taking responsibility for it. At least in this instance cablemod has agreed to replace the card for you otherwise you'd be short £2000.

I also think in this particular case that the fault lies with Nvidia and their 12-pin connectors.

I've owned past GPUs from Nvidia that lasted for 5+ years before me upgrading and haven't had any issues with them.

They are not replacing the cards, but repairing them, they are just swapping out the melted connector for a new one, basically the repair also voids the warranty. So the only so called good thing to come out of it is the same card working hopefully again and then hoping no problems happen while in the voided warranty period.

It's all a bit naff to be honest and Nvidia is really to blame for this mess for forcing this connector on their AIB products this time too with the 40 series.. 30 series they were allowed to use the standard 8 pin and 6pin which have worked now for decades. This connector needs dropping and a new one if required or back to the 8pin and 6pin and allow AIBS the options to do that again as they did before with 30 series. The biggest turn off for me with buying a 4090 is the power connector and then no NVLINK but that's another story.

I don't need a fire hazard in my home and also not one on a very expensive bit of hardware that can take out the full pc or the house if things got out of hand. Nvidia can go play Russian roulette in their own homes if they feel that safe with it, sorry not me and I have been into computers for over 3 decades professionally and 4 decades as a hobby too and never seen anything like this mess before and not even recalling it and blaming end users as their fix to a clear problem that should never have been allowed to happen, even if it allowed end users to do such a dangerous mistake it means it is not fit for purpose on a consumer based hardware that Joe/Jane public install in their computers. Just waiting for the day this ends with the death of someone then they may wake up sadly. Anyways not for me this game of burn your house down roulette .. 50 series either new safe connector or back to 8pin and 6pin or I'm out again till there is enough proof this has been resolved.

Yes I know they have a revised the connector with shorter sense pins, but same connector and same issues just a bodge fix in my book for a dangerous connector that has shown how it can fail badly and not safe in the hands in general consumers products, soon they will be telling people/system builders to use hot glue on the connector and hot glue them together as another fix for so called user error... User error by even I.T professionals/long time pc builders that know of the fault and still ended up in the same mess as the "general consumer" in some of the melting cases that have happened. :rolleyes:
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They are not replacing the cards, but repairing them, they are just swapping out the melted connector for a new one, basically the repair also voids the warranty. So the only so called good thing to come out of it is the same card working hopefully again and then hoping no problems happen while in the voided warranty period.

It's all a bit naff to be honest and Nvidia is really to blame for this mess for forcing this connector on their AIB products this time too with the 40 series.. 30 series they were allowed to use the standard 8 pin and 6pin which have worked now for decades. This connector needs dropping and a new one if required or back to the 8pin and 6pin and allow AIBS the options to do that again as they did before with 30 series. The biggest turn off for me with buying a 4090 is the power connector and then no NVLINK but that's another story.

I don't need a fire hazard in my home and also not one on a very expensive bit of hardware that can take out the full pc or the house if things got out of hand. Nvidia can go play Russian roulette in their own homes if they feel that safe with it, sorry not me and I have been into computers for over 3 decades professionally and 4 decades as a hobby too and never seen anything like this mess before and not even recalling it and blaming end users as their fix to a clear problem that should never have been allowed to happen, even if it allowed end users to such a dangerous mistake it means it is not fit for purpose on a consumer based hardware that joe/jane public install in their computers. Just waiting for the day this ends with the death of someone then they may wake up sadly. Anyways not for me this game of burn your house down roulette .. 50 series either new safe connector or back to 8pin and 6pin or I'm out again till their is enough proof this has been resolved.
Do you know if they be replacing the connector with the newer shorter sense pins?

I would feel very if the OP received his card back but with the older defective 12-pin connector.
OP, I would personally ask cablemod to verify what connector will be replaced on your card because if it's the same old version, then you'd be back to square one.
Do you know if they be replacing the connector with the newer shorter sense pins?

I would feel very if the OP received his card back but with the older defective 12-pin connector.

No idea depends where they authorise repair and depends which country the person is with the issue. Guessing they won't be going to usa if uk person with the issue for repair.

Honestly Nvidia should be taking the blame and the costs of this mess, meaning telling AIBS that have customers with this issue to recall the faulty card and send out a new one with the revised connector and Nvidia should foot the bill.

ASUS have always been comical for RMAs and even will send your RMA back to you with little circle stickers where they blame you for damaging the product when no such damage was even on there when sent back, we started to take photo evidence before RMAing to ASUS and Gigabyte, they are dead to me as companies for PC hardware, both are as bad as each other when it comes to RMAs and excuses for their faulty products that didn't even last the warranty period.

I hope the OP gets it sorted and best advice stay away from ASUS if that's how they behave with a known issue and a safety issue. Yes he used a connector from cablemod but again could have been any cable from any of the new PSUs with the new cables and connectors and still refused it, which is insane to me like you must use provided cable adapter with the 3 or 4 8pin or void warranty.. Madness remember when we went from the old 4pin atx connectors to the 8pin and 6pin pcie and they also came with adapters too for people on older PSUs.. Think their reason for voiding warranty then would be for using the supplied adapter they were so bad the ketchup and mustard wired ones..
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Thanks for all the replies guys, I've decided to send the GPU to a repair company here in the UK, CableMod did recommend Krisfix in Germany but would probably take twice as long and not too comfortable sending my GPU on a tour of Europe tbh lol.
The UK company have said they've repaired a lot of these already, had over 20 4090's in last month alone, all using a wide variety of cables and all failed on the same row of bottom pins melting, I don't think this issue is as rare as Nvidia would like people to believe.

I don't hold Asus accountable, they are working on slim profit margins and they are within their rights to void warranty with 3rd party cables much like all the other companies do. It's completely shocking from Nvidia, every single one of these things should be recalled and fixed.

When a fairly small GPU repair company says "Oh another one" over the phone when you tell them the problem, then it's not exactly a rare issue is it.

If Nvidia are still using this connector on the 50 series cards then I'll be using AMD from now on
I suspected Asus would void the warranty and to be fair I a don’t blame them (as per OP). I hope it is repaired easily and quickly for the OP.

My 4080 just about fits in to my Meshify-C case with the standard supplied cable. I was contemplating a 3rd party 90 degree connector but knew the warranty would be voided. I had no issues until recently I started getting black screens and corrupted monitor output.

I opened the case and re-seated the connector and all issues were gone. I think it worked loose slightly when I moved the case to connect a HDMI cable. These are not robust connectors and the number of sites claiming user error was diabolical. This is not an uncommon issue down to user error, it is a serious design flaw.
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So reading your post (I'm sorry you had to go through this nightmare) I'm taking a few things from it. I'm currently using Cabelmod braided cables pci-e for corsair 16-pin to 3 x 8 pin and I'm guessing by doing so if same thing happens to me I'm voiding my warranty with Nvidia? I'm using an 4090 FE by way. If this is so I'll go back to Nvidia octopuses adapter. Can you name the repair company for future reference in case it happens to any of us and tell us what the cost is please.
So reading your post (I'm sorry you had to go through this nightmare) I'm taking a few things from it. I'm currently using Cabelmod braided cables pci-e for corsair 16-pin to 3 x 8 pin and I'm guessing by doing so if same thing happens to me I'm voiding my warranty with Nvidia? I'm using an 4090 FE by way. If this is so I'll go back to Nvidia octopuses adapter. Can you name the repair company for future reference in case it happens to any of us and tell us what the cost is please.
Hi mate, yes with those cables Nvidia will probably void your warranty. The company is called B-Hawk Gaming based in Wales they repair CPUs, GPUs etc, very good reputation.
They've quoted me around £120 for the new connector including postage back with Royal Mail Special Delivery, not a bad price at all imo. Its not a big job I've been told, just a case of removing the old connector and soldering on a new one, so should be a pretty quick turnaround, they are usually repairing cracked PCBs etc which obviously take a lot longer.

Krisfix in Germany is another option, they have an expedited service but again I didn't fancy sending my GPU abroad, you never know if you'll get hit by customs tax etc when it comes back.
Thank you for the helpful reply. :) well I've had zero problems but after that bombshell the cablemod cable will have to come out. I'm actually surprised at that price £120 is very reasonable. And hopefully cablemod will sort your costs. And you'll get a working card back again and I trust you'll be doing the same thing as me. :)
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