I thought it was a daft question till I Googled it. Profound. Some say silver, others say it stands for slow acting. A normal fuse apparently works but the language in the manual would condemn you for doing so. Good luckFolks... I have a C300 and amateur question about the cigarette lighter socket in the front of the car.
It says "12v/0.15A" Does this mean if I plug a Cigaratte adaptor for USB charging that exceeds 0.15A, its going to go pop?
Also I noticed that the fuse for the cigarette lighter has infact "gone" already.
It is a 15a fuse it seems but its labelled "15s".
Reading up on some forums, it seems this is something to do with silver plating?
Question is where to get these without having to go to the dealership...
Or am I ok using bog standard 15a fuses that I could get from halfords and the like....
The manual does say that fuses in the engine compartment and the boot (where the cigarette lighter fuse is located) should be replaced with the "s" variant.
Would appreciate the insights of OCUKs seasoned and experiences Mercedes drivers. Thank you!