I guess you haven't played Crysis or something? I mean, have you? Without spoiling anything, there are plenty of areas where there are more physics effects going on on screen than I can actually take note of. It didn't hurt my framerate at all. I mean, seriously, where are you getting this information from? Throw a grenade or missile a house and everything inside goes flying, or just drive a truck through it. Don't talk such rot.“That's funny, considering I'm running it on high phsyics on a dual core CPU and it doesn't hurt my framerate at all. In fact, dropping my my physics setting to low from high yields no performance boost, proving that my CPU is coping just fine.”
That’s because on high it’s still got low end physics. Tweak the physics so it’s on high and they tell me you have a high framerate. Get the nuke increase the physics to high so it affects a large area then watch your CPU struggle big time. Your PC will turn into a slideshow. Crysis is fine as long as you only use physics on a few objects at once. Use physics on lots of objects and the CPU cannot cope.
Alright, £50 for tearing cloth. Still fail.“I honestly couldn't give a flying crap about. £80 for tearing cloth? Fail.”
You’re missing the point increase the physics in Crysis and the FPS drops massively. Increase the physics in a PPU game and FPS go up as the CPU isn’t doing the work. Its also £50 not £80.
And besides, increase what fricking physics? I have them on the highest setting in game! Adjusting the physics past what they were intended to be using commands and such is of course going to hurt framerate, you're tinkering with stuff that's not meant to be tinkered with. It's why it's, you know, not in the normal settings? I guess what you want is physics effects on every single little inanimate object in the game? If that is in fact what you want, then why are you a fan of PhsyX cards? I mean, from what I can tell reading articles about UT3 and PhsyX, all you basically get are ****** clumsy physics effects with a massive hit to performance.
The physics effects in Crysis are not "low", they look better than any Ageia tech demo I have seen so far, just because from a technical stand point they may not be as complex as what you can do with a PhysX card, but uh, who cares? They look better and provide me with more enjoyment. When I'm ready for blocky black squares and clumsy water and cloth effects in my video games I'll be ready to put a PhysX card in my PC. It's all about what it actually does to improve the visuals, not how "technically brilliant" the effects are. Quod erat demonstrandum.
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