Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

27 Dec 2006
Dark Forest
finally got the plat. game is good but not as perfect as reviews make it out, I like the game but it's a 80% and not a +90%.

gameplay is solid. graphics/environments are good. weapons/customization is good.

haven't played MGO since not my cup of tea. don't understand why games like this (ie Assassin Creed etc...) feel the need to slap on some multi. it's not like anyone who plays online uses stealth anyway. it's always run and gun type deal, and there are better multi/online shooters out there if you are in that mood

now for the bad that reviews seemed to have overlooked
- mission 1 - so bad I wanted to stop playing
- story is poor and like a bad TV movie. tbh none of the MGS stories were any good to begin with
- Base/FOB is a grind and an artificial useless feature. don't even get me started on insurance. it's money grabbing mechanic. why should online affect single player progress??
- Staff morale ?? poor mechanic, not interesting and poorly implemented
- how many logos or click next buttons must I endure to start playing the game? same goes for heli transport between mission start and base
- chapter 2 is a joke. just have a difficulty level at start
- buddy often have problems executing orders. D-Dog has pathfinding issues trying to stun targets (and the world is fairly open, it's not exactly maze like - dumb dog can't even go in a straight line!). on top of that he often gets is front of you while you are prone trying to sneak/recon. Quiet needs a hold fire button and D Dog needs a follow me at a distance command
- getting S rank is a race and not about stealth
- side ops get repetitive quickly, aren't challenging and basically a grind, and don't tie in story except for a couple
- Hideo Kojima name everywhere...
- ... even has a staff member in your base which you can't fire
- losing Quiet permanently as a buddy; annoying when you don't know ahead of time, would have saved me some cash doing research on her gear, tbh I prefer using D Dog since controlling quiet was an issue for me
- the whole epidemic outbreak. seriously wasn't hard to figure out, but I had to go through a list of about 800 staff to individually sort. what a gigantic waste of time

all in all a good game worth playing
26 May 2012
Surrey, UK
haven't played MGO since not my cup of tea. don't understand why games like this (ie Assassin Creed etc...) feel the need to slap on some multi. it's not like anyone who plays online uses stealth anyway. it's always run and gun type deal, and there are better multi/online shooters out there if you are in that

- story is poor and like a bad TV movie. tbh none of the MGS stories were any good to begin with

Good points, as much as I enjoy playing this game, I must admit most of these points are true. The addition of multiplayer, even if it's meh is mainly just for more value. Considering the cut content, with the multiplayer it makes this game seem more worth the full £40 price. And similarly for single player in multiplayer focused games like the aforementioned COD/Battlefield. From the looks of it, it seems better than the very bland and lacklustre Star Wars Battlefront though. At least it has more customisation, though it might have the same issue as Battlefront, in that there is a pointless gear treadmill screwing over new players. These 'meh' multiplayer games give me a strong desire to play Planetside 2.

As for the story, I'll admit that it isn't up everyone's alley and that the MGS canon has always had it's issues. But it's a unique story that many folks (me included) get a kick out of. We appreciate how silly it is. MGS5's story was definitely lacking and unfinished though. I actually missed the long cutscenes of previous MGS games. Since at least in the modern MGS games, the cutscenes are skippable for folks who don't want to bother. As far as story goes, MGS5 is the worst in the entire series IMO. Which really lets down that amazing and fun gameplay. But then again, a good game only needs good gameplay, story is optional for enjoying a game. Not to say games can't have great story.
13 Mar 2007
Stuck on mission 16 "Traitors Caravan". I have to extract a vehicle but don't have Fulton level 2 because I don't have a transportation specialist and all my base levels are under 5 and I need 18. Mother base is so confusing.

I can't drive the cargo out because the Skulls destroy my vehicle as Im driving away.
17 Nov 2011
Stuck on mission 16 "Traitors Caravan". I have to extract a vehicle but don't have Fulton level 2 because I don't have a transportation specialist and all my base levels are under 5 and I need 18. Mother base is so confusing.

I can't drive the cargo out because the Skulls destroy my vehicle as Im driving away.

Do all the side missions you can, or go on a freeroam for a bit, and fulton extract every single guard you come across. At some point you will get lucky and get a transport specialist.

Also, just transfer every member of staff across to take your level up to 18, then transfer them back once the research is done.
17 Oct 2002
Stuck on mission 16 "Traitors Caravan". I have to extract a vehicle but don't have Fulton level 2 because I don't have a transportation specialist and all my base levels are under 5 and I need 18. Mother base is so confusing.

I can't drive the cargo out because the Skulls destroy my vehicle as Im driving away.

Kill the skulls with the tank/armoured vehicle then drive the truck out. When the skulls appear, the drivers are ejected for some reason.

Another method, is to research C4 and the decoy. Plant a couple of C4 down and pop a decoy, it should attract one of them over and boom :) If you do this whilst prone, you can take a couple of them out without being seen. (This might not be possible, I can't remember what level R&D you need for Decoy/C4).
15 Aug 2005
Really starting to wish I was near the end of this now, it just goes on and on and on without any particularly compelling narrative to actually carry it forward for long stretches at a time. The mission structure is becoming boring and repetitive, and the huge array of weapons and equipment don't appear to serve much purpose because you can seemingly get by every single one with the same loadout. Granted, that leaves it open to the player to choose an approach but I'd far rather feel like a certain mission will require specific items than just "Hey Boss, go over there and do the same sort of thing you've done 12 times already using broadly the same tactics".

I know that sounds really negative; I'm enjoying it (sat playing for a good few hours today) but I don't want to tire of it completely before I get to the end.
12 Mar 2009
I never thought I'd say this about a Metal Gear Solid game but I just don't like it and have lost all interest. I'm about 40% of the way through and it just feels like a massive grind. I knew it was an open world type of game before I bought it but really it's so different compared to anything other than Peace Walker that it just doesn't feel like a proper MGS game to me. I miss the narrative and the cutscenes and the craziness, sure there are casette tapes but it's nowhere near as engrossing or involving.

From what I've read the whole thing does sound like it's been rushed, apparently chapter 2 is pretty much chapter 1 all over again but with the difficulty ramped up? It seems like a massive cop-out and wouldn't surprise me if it were true. There are already loads of side ops that I've played which are absolutely identical, wouldn't surprise me if the main missions followed a similar path.

It's a shame that this will be the last MGS game, if this is it then I'd rather they hadn't bothered and just left it at 4 which was a perfect end. That battle with Liquid at the end is one of the greatest moments in any game I've ever played. This doesn't come anywhere near as close in the hours I've put into it thus far.
27 Dec 2006
Dark Forest
Stuck on mission 16 "Traitors Caravan". I have to extract a vehicle but don't have Fulton level 2 because I don't have a transportation specialist and all my base levels are under 5 and I need 18. Mother base is so confusing.

I can't drive the cargo out because the Skulls destroy my vehicle as Im driving away.

1. you can get transportation specialists in mission 10 and 13. (look at mission objectives/briefing at top it usually tells you blueprints/skilled soldiers you can find in each mission)

2. as a rule of thumb, always fulton all enemies you neutralize since you will need a ton for motherbase. (1400 soldiers total with motherbase and FOB 1 all upgraded)

3. start by expanding R&D/command platforms to lvl up R&D teams to unlock developments. lvl goes up quickly as you add more staff

4. you really need to kill the skulls before you can fulton the truck safely. there are different methods to do this, depending on your loadout.
- rush to airport at start hop over fence behind the garage where truck is, go prone and plant as many C4explosives and anti tank mines as you can between garage and metal fence then slowly move forward prone towards truck to initiate cut scene when skulls appear, reverse prone behind garage, the skulls will slowly walk towards you, when they are on top of killzone - detonate. you can kill most or all 4 in one go depending on how much bang your explosives did. then finish off remaining skulls with quick fire weapons. LMG are great, and wear heaviest armor. otherwise use rockets.
- rush to airport, wait for armored cars to arrive and then run towards truck. cutscene where skulls appear, and the rush towards the armored cars which will be empty and you can finish them off using those
- intercept convoy between north of airport and south of outpost 12 (it's open flat ground so you can move around easily). stay prone by side of road and rush truck when it gets close. cutscene skulls appear, hop into walker gear with gatling gun and strafe around going full auto on skulls
imo heavy machine guns and wearing heavy armor is the most effective and fastest way of killing skulls, much better than slow reloading RPG type weapons. skulls have 3 basic types of attacks mostly, shoot / teleport and melee attack / throw rock. all these need to be dodged

hope this helps - good luck and enjoy
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19 Apr 2004
I never thought I'd say this about a Metal Gear Solid game but I just don't like it and have lost all interest. I'm about 40% of the way through and it just feels like a massive grind. I knew it was an open world type of game before I bought it but really it's so different compared to anything other than Peace Walker that it just doesn't feel like a proper MGS game to me. I miss the narrative and the cutscenes and the craziness, sure there are casette tapes but it's nowhere near as engrossing or involving.

From what I've read the whole thing does sound like it's been rushed, apparently chapter 2 is pretty much chapter 1 all over again but with the difficulty ramped up? It seems like a massive cop-out and wouldn't surprise me if it were true. There are already loads of side ops that I've played which are absolutely identical, wouldn't surprise me if the main missions followed a similar path.

It's a shame that this will be the last MGS game, if this is it then I'd rather they hadn't bothered and just left it at 4 which was a perfect end. That battle with Liquid at the end is one of the greatest moments in any game I've ever played. This doesn't come anywhere near as close in the hours I've put into it thus far.

Chapter 2 isn't quite that - I completed the game (with the two 'secret' missions) without doing any of the re-play missions. It does however feel a bit unfinished and there's one particular plot thread left out which seems really, really odd.

I was considering going for a platinum on this or at least playing on for some time, but then I realised it would be quite frustrating having completed the final quiet mission that I would no longer have her support (I'd been using her for most of the game) in side ops and so on.

Also, one thing that seemed strange to me, am I right in thinking that Miller tells you that after the DNA tests on Eli they discovered that he isn't your son after all and so isn't liquid?

Of course this is turned on it's head when you discover that you aren't actually big boss which explains why the DNA wouldn't match, but then Miller knew that, so err, what? I guess that might have been another part of the story cleared up by the bits they didn't finish
14 Jun 2010
Just wondering what happens _____ as i chose the opposite option:
if you decide to shoot Quiet when you first encounter her?
12 Sep 2006
I finished this last night, well at 3am this morning.

What an incredible game, totally justifies the maximum scores it got from most sites.

Also, one thing that seemed strange to me, am I right in thinking that Miller tells you that after the DNA tests on Eli they discovered that he isn't your son after all and so isn't liquid?

Of course this is turned on it's head when you discover that you aren't actually big boss which explains why the DNA wouldn't match, but then Miller knew that, so err, what? I guess that might have been another part of the story cleared up by the bits they didn't finish

Only Ocelot knew didn't he? That's why Miller was so annoyed when he found out in the tape that plays after the credits.
29 Dec 2005
this has gone abit quiet :( anyone know what happens if I foulton stuff ( crates ) in my own base ? I'm I gain stuff or is it a complete waste of time lol ?

Complete waste of time and GMP.

Yeah talk of this game has gone quiet. Tbh I stayed off this thread whilst trying to complete the game as I didn't want any spoilers.

Is anyone playing the multiplayer on PS4?
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