Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

14 Jun 2010
I'm not even saying the voice is bad. I just don't understand the point in bringing someone on if they're not really going to be used.

Snakes dialog is none existent. Real shame.

Anyway. In other news. Konami announce the franchise can continue without Kojima.... Lol. I remember reading things didn't go so well for konami; the last time they attempted something like that.

I think they did not have enough time to finish the game hence the lack of cut scenes, If the franchise does continue without Hideo it will suck...
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19 Jul 2010
I need to read some guides on how to assign my staff better and what order to expand Motherbase I think as haven't got a clue. Most of my staff are E rated all round so I doubt they'd make much difference this early in the game anyway.
12 Sep 2006
I need to read some guides on how to assign my staff better and what order to expand Motherbase I think as haven't got a clue. Most of my staff are E rated all round so I doubt they'd make much difference this early in the game anyway.

You can just use the auto assign.
18 Oct 2002
west yorkshire
Well I guess I should have expected it but I can't get MGO to work sat for 15 mins trying to find a game via match make nothing happens gave up in the end...will try again later , anyone else manage to get a game?
10 Dec 2008
Somewhere over there
Well I guess I should have expected it but I can't get MGO to work sat for 15 mins trying to find a game via match make nothing happens gave up in the end...will try again later , anyone else manage to get a game?

I found it easier to select a game and shift through the pages rather than Auto. It displays a lot of games with only 1 player, but will soon see some that are more full and at least it will attempt to join a game there and then when you tell it to rather than waiting for auto to do so.
18 Oct 2002
west yorkshire
I found it easier to select a game and shift through the pages rather than Auto. It displays a lot of games with only 1 player, but will soon see some that are more full and at least it will attempt to join a game there and then when you tell it to rather than waiting for auto to do so.

Ah right ill give that a go then :)
26 May 2012
Surrey, UK
25% into the game. Still loving it... However I'm still questioning the decision to use Sutherland in this game. He adds very little to the game... Nothing but small sound bites... This alone taints the overall experience for me. Bad move Kojima / Konami

When I got to the end all I thought was... why didn't Kojima just mess with us an secretly have David Hayter's voice in the game? I'm not spoiling anything, but I will say it would have made sense, with the exception of Ground Zeroes.

I think they did not have enough time to finish the game hence the lack of cut scenes, If the franchise does continue without Hideo it will suck...

The release date for this game was announced shortly before the 'Kojima vs Konami' rumours started to circulate. Coincidence? I think not. I think that the game was not ready for release yet and that Kojima was still working on it and adding stuff to it. Then Konami put him in a corner and forced an earlier release, preventing many things from making it into the game. As good a game this is, it's clear that there is a lot missing, various promises like 'player-made content,' 'fully customisable motherbase/FOB' and 'return to Camp Omega' were not in the final product. The collectors edition video showed off more stuff that was unable to make it into the game due to Konami's greed and impatience. Seeing as how Konami have managed to cripple Kojima's swansong, despite it managing to do fine (a lot like the protagonist of the game itself, funnily) and maintain fun gameplay, I wouldn't trust Konami with much. Though the Metal Gear Rising series is good and that was made by Platinum. So my hopes are up for a sequel to that. Perhaps telling the story in between MGS2 and MGS4? That might be wishing for too much.

Look at the name of the name of the guy that posted it XD So sad this game didn't end up like Kojima's original vision, now it's being milked for BS micro-transactions...
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