#MeToo - is it just different for men and women?

Yeah you are probably right....I dont follow the movement at all, but its all quite sad really where our culture is headed.

It's only sad if the people going it alone are sad. If they are genuinely happy it's all good.
Regardless of the MGTOW thing, there are a fair few lads in my social circles who fall into the "can't be bothered" category. Not because they hate women but because they see relationships as too much risk and hassle. Many are divorced or separated and I think in some cases the financial ruin has broken them.

Must admit I'm one of those guys who doesn't see any sense in commitment, getting married etc these days. A lot of women I've met seem to want a bloke who has his act together to help them sort their crap lives out or to service their entitlement complexes. :p

It's also annoying going through the discussions about marriage/kids despite making it clear from the start. You have to be insane to get married these days.
Regardless of the MGTOW thing, there are a fair few lads in my social circles who fall into the "can't be bothered" category. Not because they hate women but because they see relationships as too much risk and hassle. Many are divorced or separated and I think in some cases the financial ruin has broken them.

Must admit I'm one of those guys who doesn't see any sense in commitment, getting married etc these days. A lot of women I've met seem to want a bloke who has his act together to help them sort their crap lives out or to service their entitlement complexes. :p

It's also annoying going through the discussions about marriage/kids despite making it clear from the start. You have to be insane to get married these days.
I'm one of these 'Can't be bothered' guys. To me the stress of getting and maintaining a relationship is just not worth it. Prefer to be single, do what I want and have less stress in my life.
It's only sad if the people going it alone are sad. If they are genuinely happy it's all good.

Oh of course....each to their own and you can do whatever you want in your own life.....but I genuinely feel a large portion of those people who go it "alone" will regret it when they get older, when they look back at their life.....no children.....no grand kids....parents have died and they are all alone, apart from their miserable mates who are still moaning about the opposite sex and possibly a dog/cat.

They may not....just my opinion....guess I just think family is more important than anything else....money, material goods etc.
Must admit I'm one of those guys who doesn't see any sense in commitment, getting married etc these days. A lot of women I've met seem to want a bloke who has his act together to help them sort their crap lives out or to service their entitlement complexes. :p

It does seem to switch around age 30... prior to that, unless you look like you should be in a boy band, you usually need to put in some effort/actively pursue girls etc.. then you get to 30 and you go to a friends dinner party and suddenly being in a good job, owning your own property etc... causes the 30+ yr old women to become the ones pursuing you. There are plenty of female doctors, solicitors etc.. out there who don't really want to settle for Darren the used car salesman from Essex they met on an online dating site but with more women than men going to university that trend is probably going to continue.
Kids never interested me either. Surely we have enough people already :p

Enough people in general, sure, but we don't have enough good people. As far as I can tell, if you think that you are living your life in a way that is beneficial to society in general, then raising kids to take after you, who will then themselves be a net positive on society, is one of the best things you can do.

I've met lots of people past child raising age, male and female, and very few seem to be without regrets over it, and in general are less satisfied than people I've met of a similar age with children.
It does seem to switch around age 30...

Absolutely, you suddenly find that women who probably wouldn't have given you the time of day 10 years ago are suddenly interested if you're solvent and stable. :) I thought dating would be more pleasant in my 30s but it's actually a headache unless you're going for women in their 20's who haven't got very loud ticking body clocks that they can't ignore anymore.
Enough people in general, sure, but we don't have enough good people. As far as I can tell, if you think that you are living your life in a way that is beneficial to society in general, then raising kids to take after you, who will then themselves be a net positive on society, is one of the best things you can do.

I've met lots of people past child raising age, male and female, and very few seem to be without regrets over it, and in general are less satisfied than people I've met of a similar age with children.
Nihilism seems to afflict many millennials. They appear to be the generation that has given up.
I met my girlfriend in 2010 at 28 and she only became my fianceé last Christmas, and I am 35 now.

Not all women want to settle down and have kids straight away.
Mis-read that almost as your girlfriend being 28 in 2010. Is she younger than you? Is so then by how much? If you don't mind me asking!

Absolutely not all women want to settle down early. I'm glad that my wife did though. Bought a house with her when I was 24, had kids when I was 26 and 29, then finally got married when I was 31.

I met her when I was 20 and she was 18. We've been together since and I'm 36 next month. She's quite old school in her thinking. Certainly not like most women today. I think it's partly due to her upbringing, she spent her teenage years caring for her sick grandparents whilst most of her friends were out living it up. She's had it tough and still does now due to her health but she's a total warrior. She would think all this #MeToo business is utter twaddle.
Nihilism seems to afflict many millennials. They appear to be the generation that has given up.

To be fair most people can't afford to buy a house, getting a decent paying job is a real struggle even for people with degrees. I'm lucky to have a house and a job but that's got to play a huge part. Personally I don't see how I'd have time for children with working shifts and commuting to work every day, plus the child care costs are crippling.
To be fair most people can't afford to buy a house, getting a decent paying job is a real struggle even for people with degrees. I'm lucky to have a house and a job but that's got to play a huge part. Personally I don't see how I'd have time for children with working shifts and commuting to work every day, plus the child care costs are crippling.
The problem is that the economy demands both partners go to work to afford a home. This means that without the help of family members you will need to pay extortionate fees for child care. If you're single then it's virtually impossible to get a mortgage.

Society wants to do away with traditional gender roles and encourages women into careers, often foregoing the opportunity to have children. Perhaps it would be best if the lowest earner in a family gave up full time work to be a stay at home parent and just work part time if needs be.

Society also has decided that the solution is to import new workers due to falling birthrates, that ironically often hold traditional gender role ideas, to replace the population that isn't being born.

I can see where the nihilism comes from. We just don't seem to have a purpose any more. Whether it's a war effort, an exploration, anything! There's no big push for humanity to drive itself forward and give itself purpose.

That's why I believe we've descended into this stupidity and division.
This isn't even limited to millennials, I'm horrified at the amount of money some of my colleagues spend on mortgages and child care. You'd think they'd be well off on their combined wages but they're basically throwing most of their money into a pit and living pretty frugally.

There are also the parents supporting their kids through university paying rent and living expenses on top of their own commitments. Anything to do with children these days is basically financially crippling yourself. No wonder people are putting off having them or just not getting around to it at all. :(
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I met my girlfriend in 2010 at 28 and she only became my fianceé last Christmas, and I am 35 now.

Not all women want to settle down and have kids straight away.

Similar age gap to me.
I'm 32 and gf is 26.
I would not go for a girl my age due to be concerned I'm just good enough, not the one they want.
Similar age gap to me.
I'm 32 and gf is 26.
I would not go for a girl my age due to be concerned I'm just good enough, not the one they want.
Basically for 30+ you have to fulfill two of the three sixes.

6 pack
6 figure salary
6 feet
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Lol abs and height don’t make the women you’re talking about commit, only one there they truly care about is salary.

The other two just help with ONS/FWB relations.
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