Microsoft Flight Simulator X

You know that Hawaii mod, does that actually make FSX run better in that area comapred to the standard scenery?
anyone bought the Level-D 767 aircraft ? Very tempted -but quite pricey at 28 pounds ...

also considernig the DC-10 from Justflight

cheers, Mark.
andyuk1 said:
ok i got horizon vfr vol2 and installed fine and everything but on the night there is no lights on anywhere,just on my plane and airport.all the settings in scenery is there supposed to be lights on buildings etc.?

The night lighting, despite what it says on the box is not there - it was withdrawn just before release...but it is on it's way as is water masks for inland area's such as lakes, 60cm hi-res London and full Autogen. Check the Horizon forums for updates.

willhub I don't have Hawaii, but the uk scenery is the same 1.2m resolution - and it does run better than default scenery even with autogen, so I would imagine Hawaii would be the same.
willhub said:
You know that Hawaii mod, does that actually make FSX run better in that area comapred to the standard scenery?

Yeah, it definately runs a tad faster than the standard scenery. I don't tend to get less than 40fps
one problem with all the photo sceneries (I had the Southern Horizon one)
are the airports ...

most of my enjoyment of FSX is landing and taking off ...

well because of differences in Microsofts location/height of airports vs exact reality you can and do get some very annoying problems ...

(1) a lot of aiports look like they are on top of a small cliff- looks stupid

(2) some airports have more than one runway - the proper microsoft one + the "photo" realistic one - looks ridiculous too

its a pity really

Lee .. in a word .. NO

I actually think the ActiveskyX + Textures combo made a much bigger improvement to the experience than the UK scenery - IMO YMMV


Ok. Thanks for the advice.

So i presume that the Horizons photographic series is an actual representation of the real world whereas the X graphics package enhances the standard graphics?

Also, where is the best place to get all my downloads from?
So should I download Active Sky & the x graphics package or should I by the Horizons photographic scenary series?

Or if I purchased both Active Sky & X Graphics with the photographic scenary series would they work well together?

In other words what is the difference?
Ice Rich said:
What joysticks you all using?

Microsoft force feedback, which I bought about three years ago.

When I take off, I can feel the wheels rumbling on the tarmac.

If I crash it goes berserk, and bounces up and down on my desk for a few seconds :)


Kezmo - yes :)

X-Graphics - improves texutres for all sorts of things what I'd call "environmental" - like clouds, runways, sunsets etc etc. Doesn't effect (as far as I am aware) the main ground textures- ie it will work in perfect harmony with the Horizon photorealistic addon :)

ActiveskyX (buy them as a bundle) - is a programme that runs in the background, pulls of reeal-time weather data off its own server - and uses it to create the most realistic weather possible (at the moment) - and if you use it in-conjunction with X-Graphics - then it'll pick textures etc to make it look even better :)

in X-Graphics - you have lots of different "texture" packs - all with different apprearances - so you can really customise it.
re - joysticks - Saitek X52 :)

(although not completely satisfied- one LED stopped working after 1 week - and the programming software is a beta version if you run Vista :( )
Well not played fsx for i while, just dusted off the x52 , downloaded x graphics and x sky in the week after seeing the shots on here lately , also got some new planes :D

On x graphics i see u can set it to different profiles and then it writes the data to the fsx instalation, what about x sky ? do i need to leave this running while playing fsx ?
I've not started playing FSX properly yet, but I notice heaps of controls, I'm not trying to sound surprised as it is a Flight Simulator, but it seems really hard to control the plains and all the controls lol.
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