Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Some better quallity pics.(32xAA-16xAF-game settings at highest)



I would expect the "high detailed" airports to be London and other main airports in the deluxe version.
Theres at least 24,000 more I have yet to try :eek: , I wonder if someone will use them all? :cool:
I was getting quite good FPS on the new demo at around 20, then it went right down to 1 and BSOD as I flew into a tree (just took off) I'm in no rush to buy this.

Has anyone tried it with VATSIM yet?
LEUVEN said:
I would expect the "high detailed" airports to be London and other main airports in the deluxe version.
Theres at least 24,000 more I have yet to try :eek: , I wonder if someone will use them all? :cool:

I don't trust MS with the airports. In FS9, LCY had half the amount of stands it should have and the runway was too short. The so called detailed airports are no better.
yea I just got FSX as well. It runs horribly on my system when Im near any built-up areas but apart from that its okay. I found the head-latency thing very annoying so I disabled that first thing lol. If you want to it then just go into your camera.cfg (its located in C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX) and change:




Early days yet but Im sure once the modders, tweakers & 3rd party developers have done their thing FSX will look brilliant. In the meantime Im gonna keep FS9 on my drive for a while, I mean it still looks good with all the add-ons:




...and of course most of the FS9 planes work in FSX woot woot :D

BTW check this out, handy tweaks for FSX:
UKTopGun said:
Sorry - you expect to get good framerates with 32AA + 16AF and game settings at there highest?

Changing to 16xAA gets approx 1.3 FPS increase
8xAA gets no more than 2 FPS increase, and on the runway it is not any better.
without AA it really looks crap, so things like autogen will have to be turned down instead.
LEUVEN said:
Changing to 16xAA gets approx 1.3 FPS increase
8xAA gets no more than 2 FPS increase, and on the runway it is not any better.
without AA it really looks crap, so things like autogen will have to be turned down instead.

Wow. Thats crazy when I've done stuff like that on CoD2 I get a huge performance hit.

Guess it's different for FSX.
Well just had a read of the pc12 blog and guess what, they made up reasons why they had to stick with the old tech sm2 at best single core etc

- backwards compatibility so basically the situation is that it runs using all the old stuff and doesnt take advantage of modern hardware at all ie realies on brute force so that when you get a pc in 2yrs time it might run ok. Saves them having to bother doing anything too risky like developing the code and allows them to release the product. The thing is, i've seen blogs saying they have developed for dual cores, but it seems they didnt after all. The great marketing lieing machine strikes again.

This has been one amazing hatchet job from planning through to release.

Its such a shame for us flight simmers, the future doe not look very bright.

Maybe there just isnt the money in it.

I know..I wish they had designed for FSX to exploit modern hardware, not that I have a dual-core chip or anything but many folks out there do and I know I plan on it when upgrading my machine. Still havent really taken to it yet but I guess it will grow on me.

I with they had also tweaked the in-game UI as well. I mean the flight-planner map and the map in the map-view mode are still enclosed in that tiny square....whats the point in that when you have a honking 20" monitor, it bugged me in FS9 and I was hoping for a full-screen map in this release. Now you gotta keep scrolling around that tiny screen like a demented goat if you want to check out your flight path or chuck in a waypoint.

I'll stop crying now and go play Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Oh wait....I got blurry textures on that one :(

UKTopGun said:
Then surely you cant compare people spending £400 on a gfx card when they too are only spending £200 (assuming they sell their graphics too)??? (Im on about DX10)

When i got my DX9 card though, DX9 had been around for donkeys, even the old 9800pro was a DX9 card, but DX10 can't even be used till next year, and won't be used for about another year+, so why get a DX10 card if you already have a DX9 card that is cutting through the same games, no point, G80/r600 are only good for DX9, as by the time DX10 is worth having in about a year+ they'll have been well past by umpteen cards, if your GX2 etc... is cutting through the games fine, then why do you want to get rid of it for another card thats going to do exactly the same in the exact same games, no point. :p
Reduce the Scenery Density :)

If you set that to Sparse or Normal you can bump up the Autogen. So the sim will still look good but with less citiy-buildings etc. I have done it and the sims pretty smooth! of course thats on my PC but with the sliders!

I'll be getting my copy hopefully next week sometime, so i'll see if i can work out some tweaks myself.

Ill leave you with some demo shots





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