Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Anyone else playing this with a Asus Matrix HD7970 Platinum?

Just wondering what settings I can get away with (using the HD texture pack) on my rig, is Ultra going to be do'able do you think?

I'm running this on my HTPC as I want to game on 50" plasma with a PS3 controller. It is equipped with a 4770K @ 4.2 GHz, 16GB 2400MHz and a 280x. I am running it on Ultra but high textures with the HD texture pack and it's running perfectly so far.
While i agree the gameplay is kinda repetitive, what exactly do you expect from this type of game? please tell me you wasnt expecting some totally new gameplay never seen before?

It was obvious from the moment this was basically an Assassins Creed / Batman clone set in LOTR universe it was going to be extremely similar in gameplay.

Anyone buying it then complaining its boring puzzles me, it was not hard to fathom what the gameplay was going to be like.

I played it for almsot 4hrs last night, i loved it, yes the combat is extremely repetative, but its fun, its fun jumping off buildings and 1 shotting orcs, yes a lot of the orcs look similar, riding on the back of the dog things is good fun, running up walls on them is even funnier.

the rune system is interesting, theres a ton of lore in there, the cinematic sequences are great and i dont feel like i want to just skip through them to carry on mashing away.

Graphics and gameplay are exquisite, the game is so fluid.

The nemisis system is brilliant, i died last night twice, and it made me just want to find the orcs that profited from my death and give them a right good kickin.

One thing i learnt from last night, Stealth is key in Stronghold areas if you dont want to get swamped by endless orcs and multiple captains.

While this game will not be everyones cup of tea, anyone who likes mindless mashing up monsters, bit of fantasy setting or even a Tolkiien fan, into the whole AC type game play will love this game.

I actually found myself plotting the best route through strongholds to avoid mass fights, running around collecting all the bits of lore to gain new skills and exp etc and actively looking for Captains to kill so i could get more runes.

Incidentally i died to a lvl14 Orc, i pummeled away at him for a good 20mins and his hp hardly moved lol, i was being swarmed at the time and the killing blow was from a spear thrower, he become a named Orc and the original orc i was trying to kill levelled up as well!!!
Anyone else playing this with a Asus Matrix HD7970 Platinum?
Just wondering what settings I can get away with (using the HD texture pack) on my rig, is Ultra going to be do'able do you think?

I'd also be very interested in this, as I'm running the exact same card, and have been debating whether to pick this up or not.
I expect Nemisis stories Halfmad! I defeated mine earlier and now have Nakra the Giggler to face as we've had several encounters and now he is as hard as a pot of nails.
13 hours in now and I'll start putting stuff in spoilers. The TLDR is basically the game gets far better when you deal with the first set of warchiefs.

Zone related spoiler:

The second zone you go into is far more graphically intense than the first, with crysis 3 style foliage everywhere. The branding skill you learn is also amazing for tactical opportunities, especially when you can activate them so they remain passive whilst you build up a small force of guys to help you out.

Warchief related spoiler:

Branding the warchiefs isntead of killing them is also pretty damn interesting. If you brand his body guards first, you quite literally turn up with a passive army you simply activate pressing I, then watch them all lay some hurt on everything around them. My elite captain I branded is now a warchief as I helped him kill the current one, so now left with another 4 of them to do lol.
Bought it last night off GMG using the 25% off code which has now ended. Just waiting to get home, bit of a monster download this one :)

Manages to use the 25% code that was supposed to be finished last night.

Got it for £22, considering kinguin etc are minimum £24, not too shabby and I fell that gmg are more legit..

My gmg code was

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SEPTEM-BEROFF-ER25XX[/FONT]

Don't know if it works for anyone though.

34gig download, even though it will only take an hour, how come I always want it faster :)
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Crossfire users, make a CCC profile targeting ShadowOfMordor.exe, disable framepacing and use AFR friendly xfire mode.

The menus will flicker badly, but you'll get proper usage from your cards with perhaps the occasional bit of flickering ingame.
Not ideal, though I'm sure we'll have a proper profile at some point.

It's possible to change your ingame settings with all the flickering, but you may find it easier to change them when in single card mode and then switch to the xfire profile.
I'm quite tempted for this as the videos look pretty slick!

Assume from the other posts that this should run relatively well on my rig?? (spec in sig.)

From what I'm reading this sounds quite similar to Dishonoured??

Is it best played with keyboard & mouse or are we talking x-box controller-type controls??
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