Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Is this game worth getting? I see a number of people claiming they are bored of it already.
Possibly because they stormed through the main storyline and didnt bother with side quests etc. Mass Effect 1 is short on the main storyline two, yet utterly huge when you take into account everything else.

I am 13hrs in and have done 6% of the game so far.

Epic intro. Are there towns and taverns like in Witcher?

The first map area is basically a wasteland - this is Mordor after all :p The second area that I haven't seen yet is meant to be colourful and the opposite basically. No taverns :)
Do you really need a 6GB gfx card for the texture pack? I have a 7950 Twin Frozr III Boost Edition 3072MB, worth trying it or?

Ultra textures runs fine on my 4gb 980. I just had to knock ambient occlusion down from ultra to high to make it smooth.

Using my 290 it runs with everything at ultra very well. I'm using 1440p
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Do you really need a 6GB gfx card for the texture pack? I have a 7950 Twin Frozr III Boost Edition 3072MB, worth trying it or?

To be honest, I struggle to see any difference between high and ultra textures. Even at medium there's not much of a difference. I get a little stutter now and again when using ultra textures with my 7950.
To be honest, I struggle to see any difference between high and ultra textures. Even at medium there's not much of a difference. I get a little stutter now and again when using ultra textures with my 7950.

What frames have you locked at?

I have most on high (few on medium) on my 670 (@1080p) pretty much no issues unless its raining and a big fight, or in wraith mode which seems the most problematic for me.
Screw you all, you made me part with my money lol, why did you have to sing its praises lol.

*cant wait to finish work to play now... :)
Is that on crossfire 7950 3gb as the number for Vram is between both cards so would be 3GB for 6GB etc...

yes it is Moogleys, and you are quite right, but still, very high numbers.

And btw, if my VRAM jumps above 6GB, say to 6500mb usgage (3250mb effective for one of my cards) surely that would mean my game would crash wouldn't it?
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yes it is Moogleys, and you are quite right, but still, very high numbers.

And btw, if my VRAM jumps above 6GB, say to 6500mb usgage (3250mb effective for one of my cards) surely that would mean my game would crash wouldn't it?

The game uses what you have available as a buffer. My 980 sits at a constant 4GB usage but remains smooth.

If it goes over what you have it will buffer to system ram or HDD.
yes it does Halfmad, I only use 3GB, I'm just concerned with the really high number. Like I said above, if that figure reads above 6GB, doesn't that mean I've run out of VRAM? and the effect of that would be my game crashing, becoming unresponsive etc
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