Middle Earth: Shadow of War

Had a great fight last night. I was lvl 30 Got into a fight at a fort with 3 different captains, One for a mission at lvl 25, One just a random at 35 and another random at 25. I killed the first lvl 25 and then shamed the 35 so I could claim him next time which caused him to go mad and run away. About 30 seconds later I got ambushed by the crazed guys blood brother whom I subsequently slapped around, claimed at my own and made him stay and fight as the fight was getting a tad hectic at that point. Just as the fight was winding down I manged to claim the last lvl 25 as my won just as I heard some loud sniffing. 2 more trackers came running around the corner and proceeded to join the fray with a host of Uruks and Ologs.... I then get blind sided by the first captain I shamed who screamed revenge for claiming his blood brother who if you remember was still fighting with me. The Claimed blood brother then betrayed me, As did the lvl 25 I had claimed.

It was then me vs 5 Uruk captains and a whole host of uruks and Ologs. Took around 45 minutes to clear it all up but I ended with 3 new captains (The deranged one was one of them) and I made the other blood brother go mad. I am intending to use the deranged captain to kill his Blood brother tonight for the achievement.
im playing this on nemesis & with all HUD element turned off including Counters, can be very tough at times!. Specially the

nazghul as no hints on how to do the mechanics of the fight. done it after 5 attempts though.

My areana fight was pretty tough Lvl 20 Legendary vs me at lvl 8... (he previously killed me 5 times) he was a hunter with Posion dmg & immunity to arrows/fire/poison... thank got for carragos...
This was bizarre last night. I was starting another online vendetta, just as the mission started I jumped over a wall where all the yellow markers were and the thing cancelled as it returned me to one of the towers. No warning of leaving the area, nothing. :/

So because of this it classed me as a failed vendetta. Cannot redo this event again.
This was bizarre last night. I was starting another online vendetta, just as the mission started I jumped over a wall where all the yellow markers were and the thing cancelled as it returned me to one of the towers. No warning of leaving the area, nothing. :/

So because of this it classed me as a failed vendetta. Cannot redo this event again.

I've had 2 fail, one as you described and the other where I had to use a Graug to throw a boulder at a door. I was stomping around and eating orcs then it goes slo-mo saying I failed :(
Thought there wasn't something quite right with the graphics, even on ultra, but assumed it was just me.

My other half, who was also looking forward to playing it, literally just walked in and blurted out "wow those graphics are s***"

Guess it's not just me. :D
Thought there wasn't something quite right with the graphics, even on ultra, but assumed it was just me.

My other half, who was also looking forward to playing it, literally just walked in and blurted out "wow those graphics are s***"

Guess it's not just me. :D
You're right, it's not really got great graphics, they're only slightly better than the previous game, but it makes up for that in gameplay.
I think the graphics are good and functional but nothing spectacular to keep the frame rate smooth due to how busy some fights can get.

How busy have you seen parts? On act one near the bushy part, I have no idea how many there were but huge trolls, orcs and captains all came in and kept coming. I’m guessing but it looked 60 - 90 orcs at a time.

One big troll captain appeared because he said I was dishing out a lot of pain and he wanted and needed it.
How busy have you seen parts? On act one near the bushy part, I have no idea how many there were but huge trolls, orcs and captains all came in and kept coming. I’m guessing but it looked 60 - 90 orcs at a time.

One big troll captain appeared because he said I was dishing out a lot of pain and he wanted and needed it.

Two of the big Orcs, four or five Caragors, a Graug and about 25-30 Orcs of varying size including 2-3 captains was the most I've seen. I just Shadow strike'd out of there and watched from a safe location TBH! Hate fighting Caragors, but now I can break them quickly and shadow mount them it's much easier. Still don't like them much, although summoning a broken one does make long distances much easier.
I hated the Graugs from the first game, still don’t like them. Though some of the captains I don’t like in this version when they rugby tackle you then constantly pulp your ribs until near death. The sniffer captains are creepy as well.
Finished the game earlier today, as in getting to Act 4 where it's spam fort defences until you get an extended ending. I'll finish it at some point but for now I'm all clear to take on Destiny on Tuesday ;D
Can anyone remember...I'm sure there is a talent that allows you to use health for Might moves instead of might?

That aside, I'm not enjoying this as much as I did SoMordor, it just feels a bit...clunkier. Combat isn't as smooth as I remember it being.
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