Military coup in Turkey?

Like him or not erdogan is the elected leader and has a solid approval rating.

It is fascinating watching people talk about spreading democracy blah blah when it suits them, aka Iraq and then on the other hand cheering on a military coup.

Just shows how full of **** they are.

not surprised to see you supporting an Islamist either tbh...
This is the same person who took a short holiday for pretty much saying Jo Cox deserved to be murdered because of her political views.

I said nothing of the sort. I said that I understood the motives of the killer, not that I approved of it. I explicitly said I did not approve of murder.

But there is little sense trying to explain myself to some people. Rational thought goes out the window when they get the feels.

Feels > Reals.
How can the military leaders call this a small group if they've taken over and have jets/tanks etc running around the streets?

Seems like they've just been given a statement to read out
Guys, I know this is a tense situation but please lets refrain from the personal jibes and except that some may have different views or beliefs :)
Ataturk's tomb bears an exhortation to Eygpt's military to protect the Turkish people's hard won secular rights.

Guess someone decided enough was enough under the current regime.
Somehow I'm not sure the next volley is going to be mostly overhead :S (could actually hear rounds going past the camera position then).
I hope it will continue to be warning shots - I don't know how many people in the world have it in them to fire into an unarmed crowd.
At least we know I'm the one who supports democracy, and you well...

Democracy doesn't work very well when the guy in charge cracks down on protests, the media, free speech. I don't really support coups in general or the killing of civilians but I'd be quite happy to see the back of Erdogan.
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