I just hope they aren't executed, there's been enough bloodshed for one day. It's sad some were happy with deaths as long as they got to see erdogan gone.
It would be a good time for erdogan to show some leadership for healing rather than create more divisiveness.
It started off fairly well planned but looking like the rest of the army and populous didn't support the coup to critical level.
looks like it has landed now
I just hope they aren't executed, there's been enough bloodshed for one day. It's sad some were happy with deaths as long as they got to see erdogan gone.
It would be a good time for erdogan to show some leadership for healing rather than create more divisiveness.
They kidnapped the general chief of staff, tried to shut down lines of communication.
Moment they did the first thing they messed up, rest of military groups would not support backstabbers in there own nest. Was only a matter of time.
looks like it has landed now
Depends on how the top brass are viewed by those below them.
Most of those below are following orders though.
So the order of the top commanders will always overrule anything middle level officers might be able to give.
They don't really have much choice though - just because they follow orders doesn't mean they would side with the top brass if push comes to shove.
But that is apparently what has happened according to some. Combined with civilians coming out in force.
Fast taxi to the end of the runway, ground vehicles waiting that promptly scampered off into the GA/We Don't Go To Ravenholm part of the airport.
Whoever was on the plane has been whisked away pretty rapidly.
soldiers now taking over Kanal D building too