Anyone else getting the red warning phishing screen when trying to go to the above link?
Raoh said:Have the stock markets been rigged?
dowie said:
Anyone else getting the red warning phishing screen when trying to go to the above link?
That's all there is. Painting a stock market as some infallible uncorrupted/incorruptible entity as has been painted shows they are prone to these.
As a little addition some floated stock is inflated or sold at deflated prices. Insider trading happens thus calling entirely into question the stock and market.
Example: Someone says I am going to sell shares at $1.80 but next week we are releasing a product that will send our share price up to at least $5. Or conversely shares are sold to entice someone in then will either drop (causing a loss) or will liquidate.
A liquidate:
It happens relatively regularly, just a lot of it is kept out of the public eye because a lot of the people doing the misering are in operation in channels where it could be made public eg big business, govt or media.
Two F-16s intercepted Erdogan's jet but didn't open fire on the day of the coup.
Turkey government revokes 3213 ham radio licenses.
It's look like this news has been labelled as “FAKE” – Yesterday we gave this news for first after a quick phone chat with ham radio op. In Istanbul. Apparently there was no interdiction to use HF radio