Military coup in Turkey?

2 minutes readiness for all combat wings in Greece, 175 f16's and 45 M2000-5 on red alert.

Reports of helicopter gunships bombing the ministry of defense in Ankara. Also the military is arresting police officers, its gets bad...

They say the military is divided, the higher ranking officers are kemalists and the junior officers islamists. Turks must stay calm or else they could be heading for a civil war..
Dunno I think the US might completely act like nothing has happened outwardly.

I remember seeing the documentary with Obama about the time when Egypt had a coup. Mubarak was a dictator though, so this is different.

Was very interesting. Hopefully we get a similar documentary with Turkey.
Where is my bacon and Worcester sauce crisps sammich?



Seriously though Mr Jack, trying to imply that you're in touch with someone in Turkey who later turns out to be living in Nottingham, is weak.

He said they are Turkish, not in Turkey. Makes sense that someone from there would have contacts and details about what's going on.
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