Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

Buy it ! you know you want to

Survival is much better than (Freeplay creative)

Enemy mobs
Mining for resources

After having a go on freeplay i was really on the fence about buying it
best £8 ? i spent now. Serious :D

It gets weekly updates so he's allways improving something

I think biomes and fishing is next !

Plus there is the multiplayer Survival (can be fun with right crowd)

Brand new map and this is what greets me...

And there is allot of mods and texture packs out allready
im using Dokus rpg texture pack (looks slick imo)

if you do buy it.
fear the creepers! SSSsss.... BoOm !

Kotaku.com said:
Minecraft is a game about building things that runs on your computer. One man is building a working computer inside the game that runs on his computer. At this point it's okay if your head explodes.

YouTube user TheInternetFTW is well on his way to creating a gigantic working 16-bit computer inside the confines of the popular sandbox game Minecraft. In this video he demonstrates a city-sized, fully-functional arithmetic logic unit, or ALU. The ALU is one of the fundamental building blocks of a central processing unit (CPU), responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations.

Now that the ALU is complete, the creator plans to continue building the rest of the computer, starting with the memory. Once it's done he hopes to make the computer will run code based on the "Hack" machine described in the book The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles.


This just blew my mind :eek:

The guy is literally designing a working computer from scratch (Straight from logic upwards!) in a game within a computer :p

The stuff you see in the video is just the ALU - Can't imagine how big it will be when the computer is fully completed :p
Marky that video is just.... well words cant describe it. that has gotta be the best project in minecraft yet...

he is even like, well its not very efficient. im sure i could speed it up?!? efficiency would be the last thing on my mind lol!

MC ***
That is quality.

Via the links at the bottom there are also people doing LCD screens, someone has a 4-Bit memory bank working... i mean, im lucky to build a house in the thing :D
Can i play this for free to see what its like?
I noticed his website has Minecraft Classic, is that essentially a trial?

Hmm, windows wont let me play it, it keep blocking it. :(
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I must say all of those above creations are nothing compared to my floating house of awesomeness! :D



...think I might just have to buy this now. Well, after I finish Recettear, hate having too many games on the go at the same time .
I must say all of those above creations are nothing compared to my floating house of awesomeness! :D



...think I might just have to buy this now. Well, after I finish Recettear, hate having too many games on the go at the same time .

If you buy it you'll get the Alpha version, which has a day and night cycle, and doesn't have unlimited blocks. You have to craft you own materials etc from the landscape.

This just blew my mind :eek:

The guy is literally designing a working computer from scratch (Straight from logic upwards!) in a game within a computer :p

The stuff you see in the video is just the ALU - Can't imagine how big it will be when the computer is fully completed :p

Yo dawg, i heard you liked computers so I put a computer in your computer so you can compute while you compute etc...:D:D

Watched that last night. I was like :eek::eek::eek::eek:. I love the fact that he went straight in and made a 16bit ALU. Not a 4 bit or 8 bit one, a 16 bit one.
Great video.

I got thislast night and well... im addicted. Cant stop, and have so much more in my head that i want to do.

I thought i was getting a good deal with Allods being free but then realised that when my incense ran out i was going to have to start paying to enjoy the game, i cant justfy paying monthly for a game anymore its just not right. But Minecraft is worth every penny, and free upgrades till the end!

With this and Eschalon it seems im slowly moving away from commercial games!
My game crashes on multiplayer.. something to do with the graphics card. Though the same thing has happened on an 8800GT and 5770.

Have to have the view distance on tiny to solve it :(
Just got this last night and have been play it quite a bit now in singleplayer. I've got to grips with most stuff but there are a few things I'm still having trouble with, for example I created a small building built into a hill and have been just digging around creating a bit of room, and started to create a spiral down low. I got low enough that I found a huge wide open cavern filled with lava and decided to start strip mining from, after not getting much I decided to dig deaper and found I was only about 10 blocks from the start of bedrock, so I must be down deep yet I'm having trouble finding diamonds (only have 6 so far and have used them for pickaxes) and iron (I've found nowhere near enough to create a decent ammount of cart track) and not found any gold. So any tips on a better way to find iron and diamonds?
Just got this last night and have been play it quite a bit now in singleplayer. I've got to grips with most stuff but there are a few things I'm still having trouble with, for example I created a small building built into a hill and have been just digging around creating a bit of room, and started to create a spiral down low. I got low enough that I found a huge wide open cavern filled with lava and decided to start strip mining from, after not getting much I decided to dig deaper and found I was only about 10 blocks from the start of bedrock, so I must be down deep yet I'm having trouble finding diamonds (only have 6 so far and have used them for pickaxes) and iron (I've found nowhere near enough to create a decent ammount of cart track) and not found any gold. So any tips on a better way to find iron and diamonds?
Considering you have been playing since just last night, 6 diamonds is actually pretty good going. Your technique is fine. Eventually you will deplete your mine and will have to move on, or extend the cave and hope you hit some goodies.

I recommend you clean that cave out, then go on the look for another. Some caves are just littered with Iron.
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