Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

You have to go off the map and the craft a new one in that area to then show that map.

I've found a village of sand near me, but I went off searching on Saurday for a temple/another village but found nothing.

Was quite disheartened by it too for some reason. :(
Spent far too long playing on Sunday, got myself a fairly decent food supply sorted though, next step is to build an automated farm for wheat, sugar etc...

Didn't think you could autofarm wheat as the last unripe stage height is the same as the ripe height stage and most autofarm techniques require a height block to trigger a farm?
Wonder what the ms deal actually means for minecraft going forward especially on other platforms? Apparently all platforms will be supported but i can already see big updates hitting xbox first mayb
But without notch and his 2 other founders, what will minecraft become? You gotta think a sequel etc wouldnt be the same without them but i imagine they dont have much imput now as it is?
Hopefully not a lot will change... The PC version has an absolutely massive following so MS would be really stupid to try anything exclusive to the xbox consoles & risk upsetting PC players etc.... I'd like to think they just decided that MC makes a lot of money & wanted a piece of the action.

Can there really be a sequel? Can't think how you could as there's no story line, graphical & gameplay simplicity is by design..
Wonder what the ms deal actually means for minecraft going forward especially on other platforms? Apparently all platforms will be supported but i can already see big updates hitting xbox first mayb
But without notch and his 2 other founders, what will minecraft become? You gotta think a sequel etc wouldnt be the same without them but i imagine they dont have much imput now as it is?

Nothing will change in that respect.
Also Notch etc is a complete tool, ****ging off Rift selling to Facebook then does this, plus he hasn't worked in the game dev side of things for a very long time and his company hasn't came up with one decent game since.

I'd love to explore your map more, shame I didn't have much time last night. It's a Labyrinth down there. Could do with making some more signs too showing me the way out. :D

I'd love to explore your map more, shame I didn't have much time last night. It's a Labyrinth down there. Could do with making some more signs too showing me the way out. :D

Yep it's massive! I'll be on from 5-6pm tonight then from 10pm on. I went back down late last night and went down to the lava layer, went through about another 9 signs. That's only scratching the surface of the cave network, I've already been through about 1000 torches!!
Feel free, I'll probably be down in my mine but my games always online. You'll spawn next to my house/farm, but if you follow the cooked cobble path until you come to a large viaduct there's a little dirt hut down on the left which I use as my miners hut :)

Ping me a PSN message and I'll come meet you there, assuming I don't get lost getting out of the caves!
I am trying to find a village to steal some carrots and potatoes to add to my little farm but explored everywhere on my map you get at the start and the only village I found was in the desert :( I did find some cocoa beans so going to start growing them :) Also found some pumkins but not sure if (or how) you can get seeds to grow more.

I never got this before as it looked so simple and boring but the more I play the more complex and interesting it becomes, regret not getting it before.

Edit: Also creepers are a pain when the sneak up on you. Though I do enjoy it when the are near my house as they can never get close enough to me to explode so they just keep walking around :D Is there a better way to deal with them? I either shoot them with arrows or let them get close and when they start hissing run away so the explosion doesn't hurt me.

Feel free, I'll probably be down in my mine but my games always online. You'll spawn next to my house/farm, but if you follow the cooked cobble path until you come to a large viaduct there's a little dirt hut down on the left which I use as my miners hut :)

Ping me a PSN message and I'll come meet you there, assuming I don't get lost getting out of the caves!

I can't remember if I have you on PSN windle but, if not, I will add you if thats OK? I haven't tried minecraft online and yours seems a good world to try if you don't mind another tag along :D

Edit: A thought just occured to me, if you can go into others worlds you could be friendly helping protecting another player while mining or you could be mean and open the gates on their farm or blow up their house. I would happily help anyone from here but the idea of causing mayhem in some randomers world sounds funny :D
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Also found some pumkins but not sure if (or how) you can get seeds to grow more.

Edit: Also creepers are a pain when the sneak up on you. Though I do enjoy it when the are near my house as they can never get close enough to me to explode so they just keep walking around :D Is there a better way to deal with them? I either shoot them with arrows or let them get close and when they start hissing run away so the explosion doesn't hurt me.

When you have pumpkins on you, if you go in the crafting table menu it should let you change the full pumpkin into seeds. You can do the same with watermelon blocks. It's in the food section.

Re Creepers: Jump+hit = Critical hit. I use that method then run backwards a little so they don't explode. Rinse and repeat. Also remember that holding L2 makes your character hold their sword in front of them (when equipped) giving protection from explosion damage (you still take damage, just not as much) if they happen to get to close to you.
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Re Creepers: Jump+hit = Critical hit. Also remember that holding L2 makes your character hold their sword in front of them (when equipped) giving protection from explosion damage (you still take damage, just not as much).

I never knew this, thanks.
Yep it's massive! I'll be on from 5-6pm tonight then from 10pm on. I went back down late last night and went down to the lava layer, went through about another 9 signs. That's only scratching the surface of the cave network, I've already been through about 1000 torches!!

I'll try and catch you at 5. I'm planning on upgrading my mud hut to a cottage in my own world. I expect it'll look more like a shack/shed than a cottage :p
The only thing causing me grief is sourcing slime for sticky pistons - tried building a farm but it hasn't worked... unsure how to get enough slime!

Slimes can be found below level 40 but only in Slime chunks so if you come across a slime, you are in an area where they will spawn. Slimes only spawn 1/10th as much as other mobs so they are rare.

You can also find Slimes in swamp biomes at nighttime.
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