missus found me looking at pron

18 Oct 2002
I worry about you. You must live life wrapped in cotton wool.

yeah, with pretty things and rainbows and stuff.

i watch pron with my g/f, she likes it. although she does prefer it when there is a storyline :o when its just.... Bloke walks into room with slutty secretary behind desk...... bloke unzips...... etc etc she thinks thats a bit lame. funny though. :)
2 Dec 2005
yeah, with pretty things and rainbows and stuff.

i watch pron with my g/f, she likes it. although she does prefer it when there is a storyline :o when its just.... Bloke walks into room with slutty secretary behind desk...... bloke unzips...... etc etc she thinks thats a bit lame. funny though. :)
So that's why they have pointless stories :p
6 Nov 2002
This reminds me of a thread posted in another forum a long time ago

Just had the most embarassing moment of my life.

Mum, who is staying here a while, just came into my bedroom and said "Have you finished withyour computer?"

An odd question at 23:00 I thought, she's usually fast asleep by now. "Yes" I said. "Oh right, would you mind turning it down then" Turning it down? Turning what down?

Then it dawned on me, I had started some choice downloads before i hit the sack. One of which, it turns out I had pressed "Open with" instead of "Save to disk"

So 6 minutes later "Wet Dreams Come True" is blaring out of the study.

God knows how graphic it got before she decided to destroy my life.

Tonight sucked. 100% pure suck.
Last edited:
8 Sep 2005


Anyway women are all different... my most recent ex-girlfriend hated the idea of me watching porn etc while she wasn't there... because like 90% of women she had insecurities that ran somewhere down the line of "why does he need to use this stuff when he has me, am I not enough for him?" Yes it's silly, yes it's insecure, but that's just theway it is, and if you love the other person then you MUST respect that, no matter how ridiculous you think the sentiments are.

Personally for me naughty flicks are great, I have a large stash of downloaded "stuff" and there's nothing more i'd love than a girl who likes it too, but unfortuinately i haven't found one who does yet.

I think the worst thing for the women is when blokes aren't open about using it, and instead "sneak" it on when the girlfriends aren't around... then if/when they find out then it's a naturally hurtful thing, as it wasn't openly discussed in the first place. Anyone who doesn't understand this needs to read the abc of relationships, because it's very common. All you have to do is speak to them about it and say that you like it and how it's nothing to do with a lack of anything on your partners behalf, it's just personal taste. Re-assure them and make no secret about it... and just don't abuse it. You can turn the tiniest molehill into a mountain just by trying to hide it.
8 Sep 2006
An ex of mine, whilst we were dating found an old old folder of porn i created, GIGS worth. That didnt go down well! Bare in mind I hadnt downloaded any porn whilst in the relationship as there we no need due to the fact we were at it like nutters. I had told her that that folder has been there yonks and had not been touched in ages... I had to go through the process of checking the properties of every file to show the date they were last opened lol, she thought I was a ******* for weeks lol.

Now its mint, just simply open browser (opera being my favourite here), set up the quick downloads folder and away we go... its as simple as hitting quick download and its taken right to that folder.

I did have one very horrible situation that I managed to get out of very luckily. Everyone was in, I was about to finish when my bro opens my door (i live in the attik room so there are stairs up), que me quickly pulling pants up but im the process I tense up and because its near the end... the inevitable happens... in my pants. That wasn't nice. I just ran past him, think that confused him a bit lol. He was 11 or 12 at the time so i dont think he thought much of it lol.

This thread is bloody funny, i haven't laughed this much in the office before. Not too good lol!
25 Jan 2003
Newark, Notts
You don't even need to download it these days. I work in a school and one of the kids was on a website which is basically the porn version of YouTube. Needless to say I jotted it down, blocked it and the world was a happy place.

Sierra Tango Foxtrot Uniform.
19 Jun 2007
Damn, I've been trying to find the forums all weekend and I can't- bet someone on here knows where it is? Or has heard of it? Anyways...

There's a forum similar to this one with a "Desktop Thread" just like OcUK has. And one guy posted up a screen-grab without checking everything and one of the folders there was "Shemale Vids" or something.

There was about 4 posts of "Nice wallpaper" etc then someone goes "LOL- nice Shemale Folder" and about 18 pages of mickey-taking.

Just can't find the jasper!
it was probably a joke.
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