Monitor Calibration - Try before you buy!

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Can i be added to the list please?

If i don't meet the 250 posts by my turn, i'm willing to pay the deposit.

I live in London btw
Could I be added to the list please, gonna end up with different makes/models of monitors on a eyefinity setup :(

Im in Newcastle, pretty much city centre
hi folks,

this is with me now (got it yesterday evening) and i ran it last night, and didnt really notice a change. Now either i had it close beforehand, or i'm doing it wrong!

People say to put my monitor on 6500k or similar, but i dont have the option (its a Hanns.G HG281D) and i can choose warm, nature & cool or user specified colour - would one of these be correct?

Also it was suggested that i put the birghtness back to factory, but that 100% which is brighter than the sun (normally use it on 45%, so any tips there would be appreciated.

Finally, Wonder Lander suggested trying the different software - had a dredge though this thread (albeit quickly at work) and couldnt see a link - any tips?

Razor-BladE, and for referance to others, settings in Color Eyes should be as follows,

White point target: D65 / 6500k
Luminance: 120 cd/m2
Gamma: 2.2
Black point target: minimum luminance

Color Eyes Display Pro is a much better piece of software than the bundled Spyder, but comes at increased cost. Everyone should try the trial if they get a chance.

How cold the screen looks is determined by the temperature, not the gamma or luminosity (well the tint might be slightly more pronouced if your screen is super bright). If the white point is set to 6500k white should look just that, 6500k. You should then only need to calibrate the device on a black surface, and the program will alter everything else automatically via the LUT.

Also be warned, if you're comparing the profile with the default settings of your graphics card/monitor, it will almost certainly look quite drastically different, because nearly all factory settings are so drastically wrong. You should notice quite a large drop in brightness if the screen is hitting the desired 120cd/m. The colour temp may look to have changed quite a lot, but bear with it for a few minutes. If you adjust as quick as I do it will look normal very quickly. I always double check by opening a photograph I know is colour correct and having a quick scan.

Did my monitor last night.

Initially used the sypder2 software availiable from the link in the first post, this created a noticable difference between before and after, generally it appears my screen was too bright and washing out colours.

I then used the two links in mrk's post and i could see all but one of the white boxes and couldn't see the first 3 black ones.

I tried the colour pro software demo and used the settings stated by AdrianR, ran through that test and now I can see all but one of the white boxes (same as before) but can now see all but the first black boxes, definately made a slight difference using that software.

I recommend running the colour pro software for the final calibration but do run the spyder2 software first to see the differences. Will probably re-run tonight just to see one more time.

One question i have is I'm guessing this will need to be re-run the calibration when changing graphics cards? i'm hopefully getting a 4870x2 back from RMA shortly and am running on a 8800GTX for the moment..

Wonder-Lander - Haven't been able to check for payment received yet but sure it will be OK, been decorating and the little pin machine i need for online banking has been packed away, should be able to check tonight once sorted through boxes :)

Thanks again for the chance to do this though, appreciated by all i'm sure :)

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