More London violence.

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Unrelated to the OP story but i have to ask, why are crossbows even legal to own in the UK?

For what purpose, just to fire at targets in your garden and show your chavy mates or what?

Normally things are legal unless specifically made illegal. Just because you don't think there is a "purpose" doesn't mean they should automatically be made illegal.
Pro Tip:


It feeds off negativity. You are hyper focusing on the negativity. 1000 years ago when people were chilling in the UK but people were dying abroad it wouldn't have bled into your living room, but with the internet now, it does.

Of course if you take in the 100 negative stories around the country and the world you would come to an incorrect assumption of how terrible the world is. Trust me whilst the world isn't perfect now, its better than what our ancestors had. Tribal warfare, mass pillaging and raping, no real laws or justice, slavery, etc.

Focus on your own area (neighbourhood etc) don't go looking far and wide just to upset your self with violence, it's pointless. If you could see how many people died today, how many children, and how many thousands of animals got slaughtered in the cruelest ways your head will explode, but you don't because you never were aware of them so everything is chill as a cucumber.

The very fact that you cannot witness all these bad things is a blessing.

Awareness of this stuff is only good you're some sort of aid worker helping people, not some average joe just reading crap to upset themselves for no good reason. All that does is makes you a negative grumpy person in your society.
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I agree the news these days is basically doom p0rn, a few decades ago some kids trapped in a cave would have been reported on the 6 oclock news as "12 explorers in Wales are trapped in a cave, rescue teams are at the scene attempting to save them" and then the next day they report the factual outcome. Today it's 24 hour coverage of "we're hearing reports they may not have enough oxygen", "they might drowned on the way out", "they only have food for the next 10 hours", "one of them has asthma and might die at any time", "lets interview Joe who got stuck in a cave once, describe your gruesome experience please Joe".

24 hour news is just entertainment masquerading as news, real news is the basic facts without bias not 'experts' or political figures giving their opinions or people at the scene being interviewed. Then health experts wonder why half the country is on anti-depressants.
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I agree the news these days is basically doom p0rn, a few decades ago some kids trapped in a cave would have been reported on the 6 oclock news as "12 explorers in Wales are trapped in a cave, rescue teams are at the scene attempting to save them" and then the next day they report the factual outcome. Today it's 24 hour coverage of "we're hearing reports they may not have enough oxygen", "they might drowned on the way out", "they only have food for the next 10 hours", "one of them has asthma and might die at any time", "lets interview Joe who got stuck in a cave once, describe your gruesome experience please Joe".

24 hour news is just entertainment masquerading as news, real news is the basic facts without bias not 'experts' or political figures giving their opinions or people at the scene being interviewed.

Unfortunately people are addicted to bad news, if people were more highly conscious, news would be a dead business.

The bad thing is Neuroplasticity and habits, you can actually connect and bond neurons in your head to be states of negativity and crave negativity, that's why a negative person might have to work years on becoming a positive person, you can't just flip the light switches instantly.

Then people in first world countries have high chances of "depression", "anxiety", "panic attacks", "stress". Everyone is responsible for themselves. Instead of inspecting what bad habits they're are doing they go to get quick solution to bandaid the problems such as a magic pill from the doctors.

PS. if everyone did the right thing and were healthy (ate well, excercised, slept well, etc) doctor's would be out of business too along with the news :D
Another way to think of it as the brain being a HDD/SSD, fill it up with images of what you want, not what you dont want, if you fill it with crap you dont want, guess what you're going to see as you go through the photos one day.

And just so you know the subconscious mind is going through it all the time, in your sleep, in the background, etc, the conscious mind is only a small part of your being.
I don’t think London is any better or worse than UKs other big city’s. Just gets more press... Shock horror when you take thousands of police off the streets crime goes up.

Thats really not correct at all. Knife crime in London is an epidemic. Meanwhile the police are more interested in arresting people for burning cardboard copies of buildings as a "hate crime".
Thats really not correct at all. Knife crime in London is an epidemic. Meanwhile the police are more interested in arresting people for burning cardboard copies of buildings as a "hate crime".

Where do you live to have such insight in to London knife crime?

Those idiots with the Grenfell effigy turned themselves in, so it wasn't exactly a lot of hard work on the part of the police.
Thats really not correct at all. Knife crime in London is an epidemic. Meanwhile the police are more interested in arresting people for burning cardboard copies of buildings as a "hate crime".

I dunno about whether London is any better/worse but that epidemic certainly isn't isolated to London - loads of people been stabbed in town near me over the last little while but it doesn't get half the press compared to an incident in London - there have been something like 11 people killed or seriously wounded in knife attacks so far this year alone in relation to the so called "county lines" drug stuff.

EDIT: Even a piece in the Guardian :s about it
Pro Tip:


It feeds off negativity. You are hyper focusing on the negativity. 1000 years ago when people were chilling in the UK but people were dying abroad it wouldn't have bled into your living room, but with the internet now, it does.

Of course if you take in the 100 negative stories around the country and the world you would come to an incorrect assumption of how terrible the world is. Trust me whilst the world isn't perfect now, its better than what our ancestors had. Tribal warfare, mass pillaging and raping, no real laws or justice, slavery, etc.

Captain obvious over here.

But the world is still a negative place, religious fanatics thinking they get into heaven for murdering others or little kids with terminal illnesses that won't make their 5th birthday, thats depressing ****.. but I guess thats my fault for reading the news.
They searched their house.... for what? Complete waste of resources and time.

well given what they did they might well have been involved in extremist groups - Neo nazis etc..

if they were muslims and were burning effigies of say British soldiers etc.. then we'd presumably expect the police to take a closer look at them and check out whether they were involved in anything a bit more serious

Hardly surprising police resources are stretched with the hate crime brigade clogging up the system.

Depends how you look at the statistics.

If we take the dates in that news report (a rather vague "2015 and 2016") then the MET Police dealt with 1,501,193 offences and 274,339 sanctioned detections between January 2015 and December 2016.

So 2,507 "hate crimes" reported is less than 0.2% of 'offences' that the MET police dealt with..

I wouldn't say resources are stretched because of that....
Captain obvious over here.

But the world is still a negative place, religious fanatics thinking they get into heaven for murdering others or little kids with terminal illnesses that won't make their 5th birthday, thats depressing ****.. but I guess thats my fault for reading the news.

No need to be sarcastic, a lot of times people miss the obvious lessons. For example everyone knows they should be eating healthy but most people don't practice eating healthy.

Yes it is your fault for reading it, let me make it clear, consciousness is all there is to your reality. This is a very, very hard concept to get through the mind of a materialistic person stuck in stage orange. A person who is stuck and adamant that reality work exactly like their egos and beliefs tell them.

I'll make it plainfully obvious to you, For example, if you have a wife and you live a happy marriage and then die then that is your reality. On the other hand your wife might have been cheating on you whilst she was alive and she knows this fact, that is her reality, very different to yours. Now I need to point out (as people always lead to strawman arguments), this does not mean someone should on purposely be deluded and ignore the truth, ignoring the fact that your wife is cheating is not the same as genuinely never knowing it.

In otherwords you dont care the slightest about who might be dying out there in the cosmos, in infinite space, they might be an alien race that's been wiped out in the most gruesome and horrific way, but you dont care, because you dont know.
You also wouldn't care about anyone dying in an alternative reality, because you dont know that alternative realities even exists.

Religious fantatics is just how human evolution works, (stage blue) just because the UK has left the religious era doesn't mean everyone has, you can't expect everyone to move at the same pace, do you also look down on the amazonian tribes?

As for the 5 years old dying, yes, it happens, it's life, there are nearly 8billion people on the earth, you can't expect children not to die. My answer is if you're not helping them in someway or they're not in your direct experence then you have no business making yourself upset for no reason, this doesn't help anyone including yourself.
@Johno please?

Also I want to point out as its important to get this: "evil" doesn't actually exist, its the "thinking mind" that create the notion, and if you can get people to agree it becomes a reality based on consensus (societies work like this).

Make no mistake about it,"evil" just means "from my perspective this is bad for me! it's bad for my survival!" For example a human being killing another human being = your life feels threatened now. Whilst if you saw a lion killing another animal (or two alpha lions killing each other) your average person would normally say "oh well, that's nature!".

Talking about animals humans are the only one's to have a notion of evil. No other animal labels another animal as evil because it simple doesnt have the "ego" (thinking-mind) to create it. Yes animals do suffer, yes they do get emotional if their baby dies, because yes they are "sentient" beings, but a group of Buffalo's don't sit together and think "those lions are evil!".

There is pure reality, then there is reality filtered through the lens of your beliefs, dogmas, ignorance, etc.

A good example would as stated in the book psycho-cybernetics:

Many times, we create confusion when we add our own opinion to facts and come up with the wrong conclusion.

FACT: A husband cracks his knuckles.

OPINION: The wife concludes, “He does that because he thinks it will annoy me.”

FACT: Two friends are whispering when you walk up. Suddenly they stop talking and look somewhat embarrassed.

OPINION: You think, “They must have been gossiping about me.”

Now i'll make my own one.

Fact: News paper has an article.
Opinion: "The world is going to ****! everyone is evil, everything is bad! life is depressing!!"
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