Europe is huge for Sony, so they should have been giving it priority I think.
Also, I'll say it again, only 5 million 360's in Europe? I doubt it, that would mean the US and Japan have about 17 million between them and I seriously doubt Japan has had many sell.
Same can be said for Nintendo
Seems I'm an idiot too.
Most are in America like 10 mil of them
You are, but not for buying a PS3, unless your reasoning was that "It's playstation, it must be best" before you tried it.
So you admit Xbox 360 has about 10.5 million in Europe then?
So the PS3 has not taken over the 360 in Europe. (double the amount of PS3's)
You are, but not for buying a PS3
So you admit Xbox 360 has about 10.5 million in Europe then?
So the PS3 has not taken over the 360 in Europe. (double the amount of PS3's)
NO ?
It has over taken the 360 in Europe...
But in the USA the 360 has sold three times as many as the ps3.
Want me to draw you a picture?
NO ?
It has over taken the 360 in Europe...
But in the USA the 360 has sold three times as many as the ps3.
Want me to draw you a picture?
I think I'm going to vomit through my eyes.
Once. Just once, I'd like to see a thread that doesn't disintegrate into this anger/flame filled console war mess.
What exactly do you expect? Any thread about sales is going to do this because its the only purpose of the thread. if I started a thread that said PS3 rocks, 360 sucks then I'd expect it to descend into a fanboy argument as well.
See this is what I don't get;
So lets say that's 10 million for Japan and the USA, where did the other 11 million go?
The thread didn't say PS3 rocks or 360 sucks. You guys just made it into that. But my main point is that it's annoying how everyone gets so bitter about it all.
The dates don't match up there, the total figure is from April and the American one is from 1st January which will account for some of the difference atleast.
But as I said, if Microsoft believe they have sold more we'll soon hear about directly from them.