Most Overrated Movies of All Time

1 May 2007
but the mention of it reminds me of A Clockwork Orange which was another that I felt failed to deliver on the hype after watching it.

Yup i'm with you on that one.

All the films that are mentioned here will be generallly thought of as very good amongst the masses otherwise they wouldn't be overrated.

Thing is it can be down to your mood at the time. While not a classic by any means i watched Mission Impossible 3 a few months back - had to turn it off after 45 minutes. Tried again last week and really enjoyed it. Just wasn't in the mood the first time.
1 May 2007
I just plain didn't "get" donnie Darko. People see something in that film which I obviously completely missed.

Sometimes i wonder if it's an 'Emperors new clothes' kinda thing. Like modern art. I thought the same thing with DD. I still enjoyed it but just didn't 'get' wherever the message was.
15 Aug 2007
Outside in the bushes
The Dark Knight. It was entertaining yes, but it was being acclaimed to be some sort of masterpiece after its release which I disagree with. It's still the 8th best film of all time on imdb's top 250, I remember it being number one for a while, which I can only assume is down to Heath Ledgers death. He was a great performance wrapped up in an average high budget film.

These at the end of the day Ledger has nothing on Nicholson in my view he was insane but not humerous enough for the role. As for Avatar well it was just animated stories(Fern Gully, Pocahontis etc...) mashed together & recycled into a live action film don't get me wrong some of the CGI was fantastic but story wise it left me wanting.

As for Lord of the rings as the second post suggested while it was well done and I did enjoy it, it didn't do justice to the books and as Mr. Tolkien himself said it's impossible to make it into a film that'll do the books justice.
15 Aug 2007
Outside in the bushes
I just plain didn't "get" donnie Darko. People see something in that film which I obviously completely missed.

First time watching it I thought it was good and it also left me in the state of I don't get it however I recently watched the remasted and extended edition which has excerpts form the book "The Philiosophy of time travel" in the film as well as extra scenes that were cut in the original release these help to explain the whole story and I actually enjoyed it more because of them. Although they did change the opening theme form echo and the bunny mens Killing moon whisch did slightly annoy me as that was damn well put together with the opening scenes.

I'd say give the remastered edition a try before you judge.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I just plain didn't "get" donnie Darko. People see something in that film which I obviously completely missed.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but I find the film beautiful in some way. There's a few others that have the same effect on me... American Beauty, Lost In Translation, Amelie. There's more, if I could only remember them.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Thing is it can be down to your mood at the time. While not a classic by any means i watched Mission Impossible 3 a few months back - had to turn it off after 45 minutes. Tried again last week and really enjoyed it. Just wasn't in the mood the first time.

That happened to me with Sin City, first time I turned it off after 30 minutes, a few years later I caught it on tv and watched and enjoyed the whole thing.
11 Jan 2008
The Titanic.
Schindler's List
Pulp Fiction
The Dark Night and The dark night rises.

*Knight and again *Knight. With a 'K'... ok?

I agree with The Titanic. Not sure about the rest, TDKR was building off of the hype of TDK so I thats a tricky one.

The other two deserve their ratings.
11 Jul 2004
I couldn't put my finger on it, but I find the film beautiful in some way. There's a few others that have the same effect on me... American Beauty, Lost In Translation, Amelie. There's more, if I could only remember them.

Totally agree. Love Donnie Darko, although rather mind-bending. Needs multiple viewings, and read this..really helps:
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