Most Overrated Movies of All Time

28 Jan 2008
certainly the Matrix though I found the 1st so bad I didn't bother with the other 2

I think The Matrix got analysed so much, it lost the point to the viewer. It's a good Sci-Fi action flick, the emphasis on Sci-Fi action.

The acting isn't world beating, but it isn't The Room, Birdemic, Mortal Kombat, the Happening or even Star War's Prequels, bad.

Saying that, the Wachowskis' didn't help themselves as they never really stood a ground and said, hey, yeah we've put a lot of different themes, subtext and philosophy in to this film, but for god-sake, just enjoy an interesting action film and try not to crucify us as if we are preaching a new religious belief....

Also I wouldn't consider it 'Over-rated', nobody puts it in their top 10 since the sequels, as the band wagon for bashing transformed into an intergalactic warship of cinematic justice.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
As a general point although I haven't seen much of it in this thread, often when people mention films they consider overrated others are quick to jump in and tell them that they don't "get" the film, or that it needs to be watched multiple times.
In my view if a film is that good, the viewer should be able to find enjoyment/quality in it implicitly. It's not like jokes where you sometimes have to rely on a epiphany to "get" the joke, if you sit through a film for 2hrs it should deliver and not need to be explained (obviously some details you missed may need explanation, but the general premise of the film should be understood enough from a single viewing).

Something to consider for example is Memento, I keep hearing about how you need to watch it more than once, but I watched it about 1.3 times. Watched it a long time ago and really enjoyed it, then tried it again a couple of years ago and got bored about a third of the way through.

You're a bit right... Maybe. But there are films that have been mentioned as overrated when they clearly aren't. Someone mentioned LA Confidential... Please. That film doesn't really put a foot wrong - its masterful. Now, maybe the person saying it's overrated doesn't like film noir or whatever, but that isn't at all the same thing as the film being overrated. And hey, maybe they don't get it. Maybe they don't understand it. Maybe they get bored. That's still not the same as it being overrated.

For my part, I'm prepared to accept that films I regard as overrated are films I don't get. I don't really get all the fuss over the Godfather or Citizen bloody Kane, and I don't want to have to read an essay to understand why it's such a big deal in the history of cinema. Likewise, I literally don't get Anchorman. It's a film about an arrogant man in the 70s. Amazing. Wait... Huh? Also, Taken. One good line on the phone early on, and then two hours of sub-par action. That being said, neither of those films is highly rated critically, only by a certain subset of the masses, so I can't get too excited about that.

To be honest, with review aggregators like RT and metacritic it's hard to say a film is overrated when you can have a veritable horde of people who know much more about films than you explaining why it's a great film. So I just have to accept that there are good films that I don't like and bad films I do like and get on with it.
1 May 2007
Also I wouldn't consider it 'Over-rated', nobody puts it in their top 10 since the sequels, as the band wagon for bashing transformed into an intergalactic warship of cinematic justice.

To be honest i don't think you give it enough credit. At the time the fight sequences and filming methods had never been seen before. It has clearly influenced many films since, albeit sometimes negatively.

Shame the sequals were so bananas as the potential was huge.
27 Feb 2011
Two recent ones, The Dark Knight and Avatar.

To be fair The Dark Knight isn't a steaming pile of dung like Avatar but I watched it because of all the fuss surrounding it on release and found it formulaic, dull and overly long for such a simple story.
28 Jan 2008
To be honest i don't think you give it enough credit. At the time the fight sequences and filming methods had never been seen before. It has clearly influenced many films since, albeit sometimes negatively.

Shame the sequals were so bananas as the potential was huge.

I think you missed my point, I did like it, I don't mind any of it, I take it for what it is, and have been preaching the technological side to what some films created.

Still doesn't go in my top 10, but I enjoy the matrix trilogy for what it was. Well the sex scene in the cavern aside, that was just ****



13 Jan 2010
Avatar was rubbish.

Lord of the Rings was Ok. Dragged on too much. CGI is a joke.

All Peter Jackson films suffer from bad CGI.

The best film by Peter Jackson was Braindead. I wish he would start making more of them kind of films.

Braindead was overrated for me....
22 Oct 2010
Ratae Corieltauvorum
Hannah and her sisters, I watched it at the cinemas when realised, apart from one Woddy Allen scene that lasted about a minute, it's the most boring flick I've ever seen at the cinemas, and the only time I've seen people walk out half way through .... It won 3 oscars

Though I liked Avatar so what do I know.
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