Most Overrated Movies of All Time

Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Pretty much anything adapted from a comic is a) hyped up and b) crap

I suppose it will come down to your expectations but as a for instance I saw Watchmen despite never having read the comics (or graphic novels if you prefer) and really quite enjoyed it. I'm told by people who have read the original material that it was ok but nothing like as good as it could/should have been.
9 Jan 2011
I suppose it will come down to your expectations but as a for instance I saw Watchmen despite never having read the comics (or graphic novels if you prefer) and really quite enjoyed it. I'm told by people who have read the original material that it was ok but nothing like as good as it could/should have been.

It wasn't ok, it was an abomination!
18 Oct 2002
It wasn't ok, it was an abomination!

Thats a bit strong. A couple of things I had an issue with but overall I thought it was a great film.

I never really got why The Hurt Locker won so many Oscars. Its a decent film for sure but 6 Oscars? Must have been a slow year for films (actually it was 2008 so most films due that year had probably lost their funding :) )
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21 Oct 2002
Thats a bit strong. A couple of things I had an issue with but overall I thought it was a great film.

I never really got why The Hurt Locker won so many Oscars. Its a decent film for sure but 6 Oscars? Must have been a slow year for films (actually it was 2008 so most films due that year had probably lost their funding :) )

Oscars are not given on the merit of the film.

The Hurt locker won so many Oscars because it was Camerons ex wife directing and Cameron currently had the highest grossing film of all time again and they were buggered if they were going to give any recognition to him for making a CGI film about 9 foot cartoon cat people the biggest fim ever.
It was an up yours from the Oscar judges to Cameron that is all.
11 Feb 2006
Oscars are not given on the merit of the film.

The Hurt locker won so many Oscars because it was Camerons ex wife directing and Cameron currently had the highest grossing film of all time again and they were buggered if they were going to give any recognition to him for making a CGI film about 9 foot cartoon cat people the biggest fim ever.
It was an up yours from the Oscar judges to Cameron that is all.

It was a great film also imo.
7 Feb 2010
Citizen Kane

I used to think the same until I read up on it and found that it isn't the movie itself, it's the introduction of forced perspective (making a toy look like a massive building).

That's the milestone achievement and reason to give it great respect.

Now you know too :D
18 Oct 2002
Oscars are not given on the merit of the film.

The Hurt locker won so many Oscars because it was Camerons ex wife directing and Cameron currently had the highest grossing film of all time again and they were buggered if they were going to give any recognition to him for making a CGI film about 9 foot cartoon cat people the biggest fim ever.
It was an up yours from the Oscar judges to Cameron that is all.

It was potentially partly that, it was a huge part about America pandering to anything to do with american soldiers dying. Throw american soldiers dying into a film while they really are currently dying in that war and the public sympathy and love for the subject goes through the roof.

Completely forgotten which tripe film it was lately that had a short bit of the film trying to instill some feelings for the character from the audience by throwing in some "zomg, he survived when his entire unit in Iraq was killed, poor guy, I really feel for him now" was so painfully manipulative, American audiences eat that crap up, and shunning a film trying to shine a light on the plight of american soldiers.... half of america would probably riot.

It was more that than Avatar, film gross doesn't mean much of anything. Avatar won the awards it maybe should have, it wasn't close to the best film, it was terrible acting throughout, even the 2 particularly capable actors, Ribisi and Weaver were both horrendous in it, Weaver in particular was beyond terrible in it. The story was incredibly unoriginal and dull, stupid, the borderline racism in evidence throughout the entire film, poor story and terrible acting were the main reasons it won smeg all awards for the story, acting or much of anything else.
22 Feb 2008
Pulp Fiction is brilliant, Reservoir Dogs less so. I don't get Jackie Brown. Kill Bill is OK in parts, but it's basically masturbation.

Pulp Fiction was only as good as it was due to the fantastic screenplay. With a foundation that solid, it was hard to mess it up.

Reservoir Dogs is little more than an uncredited remake of City on Fire.

Jackie Brown was Tarantino's first attempt at an original story set within the Blaxploitation world, and wasn't hugely successful. Showed that back then, when he wasn't outright ripping people off he wasn't particularly good.

Kill Bill is nothing more than a mish-mash of "best of" moments from his favourite films replicated -- and just as uneven and dissatisfying as such a thing could be.

Inglourious ********, however, was fabulous and the only solid kudos I'll give him so far.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I was trying to think of what else he'd done, and wasn't getting any further than the gorno films he did with Robert Rodriguez (the names escape me, as I don't care for the genre) and the fact that he'd shot a scene for Sin City.

Inglourious ********... Yes, that is very good. The tension in some of the scenes, particularly the opening scene with Landa interrogating the farmer and the scene in the "******* basement" is amazing. You're so on edge just waiting for something to go horribly wrong. It's really well done.
19 Jan 2005
Tarantino made Deathproof. It's about a stunt driver who kills people by wrecking his car. It's complete rubbish.
Rodriguez made Planet Terror. It's about a zombie invasion and is shallow, shlocky nonsense. But entertaining if that's your thing.

The pair were called Grindhouse.
20 Jul 2008
I realise saying this on a computer forum is asking for trouble but...

Lord of the Rings

I just don't get it. I don't get the obsession. Good films, yes but I wouldn't watch them again.
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