MOTO GP 2011

I am appaled about the Simoncelli incident and was going to make a thread dedicated to it actually. They have opened a can of worms and will fuel the cry babies corner now (Lorenzo, Stoner etc). I had big respect for Lorenzo before he started crying about Simoncelli. Not now. Shall we start playing "after you sir" into the corners at MotoGP races? These are the fastest guys on 2 wheels in the world and we want racing. We got that, and then they ruined it. A dark day for motogp turning towards in race punishment with no review. They have made complaints about him because they think he has no right to be fast and aggressive being a Satellite team and suddenly finding such form last year and this. If I was him I would have stayed out till the end in protest and appealed, keeping 2nd place. I do not know anybody that thinks he was at fault having spoken to various people about it.

I don't feel Casey is any more of a "cry baby" than others. He seems to be well hated in Europe, especially Spain and the UK. I'm surprised he punched someone and given he size, he probably did more damage to his hand/knuckle than the person he punched.
Casey used to moan about Rossi all the time. The epic battle at Laguna Sega was criticized by Casey for being too aggressive. Funny how he also crashed out in that same race all by himself and lost the battle with Rossi. It just stinks of "well your faster than me only because you're more aggressive" so I'll cry to Dorna (or whoever the governing body are these days) and they'll help me out."
Casey used to moan about Rossi all the time. The epic battle at Laguna Sega was criticized by Casey for being too aggressive. Funny how he also crashed out in that same race all by himself and lost the battle with Rossi. It just stinks of "well your faster than me only because you're more aggressive" so I'll cry to Dorna (or whoever the governing body are these days) and they'll help me out."

Rossi moans more, but also gets better treatment by officials. If Casey crys foul, quite often there is something wrong, like when officials don't offer help to a certain rider (which has happened). In that Laguna Seca race, Casey was forced wide and pretty much off the racing line by Rossi.

What he said was true. I'd rather be moaning about the truth than moaning about a moaner, that's for sure ;)
I watched the race last night and a bit shocked by the the Simoncelli punishment, it was an aggressive move but from the replays I felt he did leave just about enough room on the inside, had Pedrosa actually been able to get the bike stopped for the corner, he couldn't or felt he couldn't, sat the bike up and crashed into Simoncelli, no way does that deserve a ride through...

Great to see Rossi getting back up there, bit early to say for sure after just one track but has he turned that Ducati around a bit to the point where he can push a bit more and get further up the field?

Fell sorry for Pedrosa as well, fairly 'minor' crash and a broken collarbone, that's a severe dent in his chances for the championship
lol yeah heard that a while back the Side show bob thing brilliant!

I just happened to be flicking through the channels last night and caught the replay on Eurosport this time so thought I would listen to what those guys said.

They reckon although it was a bit aggressive from Simoncelli he had actually out braked Pedrosa and Pedrosa didn't appear to be getting the bike stopped in time and looked like he would have ran on, certainly did not have the best line.
Simoncelli was ahead by the corner and the corner afterwards was a right hander leaving him in a prime position to take and hold the lead as he would have been first into that next corner.

Seems a very harsh decision that they concluded very quickly! It all has to do with some of the press he has been getting, riders complaining about how aggressive he is, must have made their minds up.
Funny how Lorenzo who barged Dovi out the way in a pretty aggressive move gets no punishment yet criticises Simoncelli for riding like a loon.


jaybee interesting point about staying out.
After only getting into Motogp about 3 seasons ago I am a complete noob but I believe they changed some rules some where as Rossi was punished for an incident and never came in to receive it, just stayed out and ignored em.
Not sure what this was or what happened but they mentioned it on tv.
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I believe they changed some rules some where as Rossi was punished for an incident and never came in to receive it, just stayed out and ignored em.
Not sure what this was or what happened but they mentioned it on tv.

Didn't ignore it...just was given a ten second penalty, so upped the pace and won the race by about 15 seconds iirc...Philip Island 2003 :). And i do feel for Porcelain Pedrosa, but this ain't tiddlywinks...
But he didn't run himself off the road, into the gravel, and fall over until a lot later did he...

EDIT: rephrasing

But he didn't run off the road, run back on, and force someone wide (dangerous move), did he ;)
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I think there are big things to come from Simoncelli, he's got the pace, he just needs a bit of maturity - whilst I think it was a tough call, he wasn't clear of Pedrosa, and whilst I hate putting violations against riders, I think the manoeuvre was a little badly judged.

Cracking race though.

DePuniet needs to go - he's just not good enough for MotoGP. Sylvan Guintoli would be a good alternative for flying the French flag IMO.
DePuniet needs to go - he's just not good enough for MotoGP.

What? :eek:

He was the top non-factory Honda rider last year but was practically forced out of LCR so that Elias could have the bike. He's actually been quite quick on the Ducati this year so far and has only just recovered from a knee injury. He is more than quick enough for MotoGP. Don't forget that he won races in the 250s whilst racing Pedrosa, Stoner and Lorenzo.
Got some 'spam' from visordown today that had a link to a sequence of pics of the Simoncelli/Pedrosa bit:

Notably that pic and number 2, imo there was space, if pedrosa had been able to stop and keep a tight inside line, for both to get past. However Pedrosa didn't manage to get it slowed down enough to keep that tight line and there was an accident, very tough racing by Simoncelli but I'm yet to see anything that makes me thing it was anything other than tough racing and really not deserving of any punishment...
What? :eek:

He was the top non-factory Honda rider last year but was practically forced out of LCR so that Elias could have the bike. He's actually been quite quick on the Ducati this year so far and has only just recovered from a knee injury. He is more than quick enough for MotoGP. Don't forget that he won races in the 250s whilst racing Pedrosa, Stoner and Lorenzo.

250s is a bit different to MotoGP though.

Don't get me wrong he's not bad, I just (as much as I want to being a fellow country man) don't think he's up to it any more - he seems to struggle IMO.

That's why I'm keen on Sylvan Guintoli having a go!
Don't get me wrong he's not bad, I just (as much as I want to being a fellow country man) don't think he's up to it any more - he seems to struggle IMO.

That's why I'm keen on Sylvan Guintoli having a go!

Sylvain's already been through motoGp a while back, he was on a Tech3 yam for a at least one season.. and a ducati aswell

Randy's a good racer, very agressive and had some very respectable races on the 3rd string customer LCR Honda despite getting his leg ran over and broken last year.. gotta think that Lucio Checcinello is regretting dumping him for Elias now, he should've at least worked out whether they could make their bike into the one setup that Elias can race effectively on first :)

edit: heh, just realised if you go to the LCR Honda team website ( ), one of the images in the header strip of the page shows Elias coming out of a corner behind Randy's Pramac Ducati :D
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EDIT: rephrasing

But he didn't run off the road, run back on, and force someone wide (dangerous move), did he ;)


Not much between him and Stacey really, and not sure why it would make him fall off all on his own many laps later...

And the people saying RdP needs to need to have a word with LCR are kicking themselves for dumping him in favour of Elias...
Well, Elias always had a tyre made specially for him I believe. It's no coincidence that he started to struggle once they went with the control tyres.

News for BSB fans - WFR have parted company with Alex Lowes after he refused to sign a ten year contract with them. Idiots. Clearly they don't deserve him. I hope he gets a ride sorted quickly.
I don't watch BSB very often always forget tbh.

Is Alex Lowes one of the twins? I know one of them was riding like a stock bike in the series and was caining some of the more supported bikes :o
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