I think his point about the engines is spot on, but he just makes it in the normal predictable extreme way. A competitive independent engine supplier would be great for the sport, but it just isn't going to happen with the current formula. Honda has been given a very expensive lesson in that department, and Mercedes and Ferrari customers have never come close to winning in the past three years.
An F1 race can be an exciting affair, but anticipation of the final result isn't currently included in that. We'll likely only have a maximum of 5, maybe 6 race winners this year, and they'll all come from just 3 teams. You could say it is the same as, for example, Premiership football, but the difference there is that on any given any team can, and does, beat one of the top ones. That simply can't happen in F1 unless the planets align and the heavens open.
As much as I dislike Marko's bleating, I think he's pretty much singing from the same hymn sheet as Ross Brawn, who understands that changes need to be made. Ross just isn't throwing toys out of the pram. Red Bull won't leave F1 - they need F1 as it gives them a great return on their investment even when they're not winning. And the fear of leaving and then finding themselves wanting to come back in and start from scratch again - building an HQ, finding the next Newey etc - will terrify them.