I share your disappointment, although I imagine they will start getting stick about that too; just look at the battering CocaCola, KFC and MaccieDs are getting on social media for continuing to trade in Russia. I guess the difference between Kaspersky and UralKali is that Kaspersky is a company built on the talent of its creators, whereas UralKali is an company stolen by from the Russian people by one of the kleptocrats. Kaspersky also has a more international profile with offices around the world, and technically operated via a UK holding company. Which all makes it a little less clear cut.
Actually i think it is clear cut, you only have to follow the money. All Kaspersky's profits end up back in Russia, although at the moment there won't be any money going back to Russia(unless via crypto currency).
Ferrari's and F1's integrity will be severely challenged the first time we all see a Kaspersky liveried Ferrari on the grid in Bahrain.
Yes, i agree that Kaspersky is built on the talent of it's creators and UralKali was stolen from the Russian People. But it's still a Russian company and as such has no place in F1 at the moment.