Motorsport Off Topic Thread

It could be real and Geri already knew about this as he may have had to have told her. She may already be over it. The female colleague may have been acting deliberately under instruction from the top bods to try to create this scenario. We just don't know. But let the rumour mill continue!
Well, in one message she was saying "that is worse than touching" and "you calling me and then I just listen or talk to help you explode". There is definitely some sexual undercurrents to the messages.
Oh yes, I missed that bit.
So, is this where we drag a mans personal life and decisions through the media again for something that has probably happened to people in this thread or people have committed themselves.
But because he's on TV, we must destroy his career?
Its just too easy to fake stuff like this nowerdays, I just cannot take it seriously yet!

There are already doctored versions going about with the pics replaced by Toto..

What is clear, however, is that someone really wants him out. I still see him staying though!
Surely this lady has absolutely destroyed her chance at any payout or appeal by doing this too?
I'd imagine this is a huge breach of an NDA, as Malt said, if true.
If (and its an if) this is as bad as the messages are then I half think Red Bull leaked this themselves; I don't see what the accuser gains from this as there's really no smoking gun (or on display penis thank god)
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Looks like he was having an affair (or trying to )with an employee then. Not the worst thing anyone has ever done, but does make nonsense of all that happy family *"** they try and pull on DTS.

I guess it depends on if we have seen the worst of the messages.

The trouble with these things is that he is her boss, which automatically makes it a power imbalance etc. employment wise it's problematic if Christian himself instigated it and tried to keep it going (IE the flirty texts etc) because it then puts pressure on the employee to carry it on or fear losing their job.

Bit of a mess really.
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I'd be more offended if I'd seen this

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It's highly unlikely to be the claimant doing this, at least, not directly!
I'd hope so to.
But in any case, they would have had to take all this evidence and have directly passed it on to someone who is not under NDA or any professional contract to maintain privacy.

If true, I believe she has destroyed any chance she had of payout.
I'd hope so to.
But in any case, they would have had to take all this evidence and have directly passed it on to someone who is not under NDA or any professional contract to maintain privacy.

If true, I believe she has destroyed any chance she had of payout.
The evidence would have been gathered for the investigation - my assumption is that this has leaked from there.
Surely this lady has absolutely destroyed her chance at any payout or appeal by doing this too?
I'd imagine this is a huge breach of an NDA, as Malt said, if true.

Which opens up a further question - maybe they are so ****** off at the outcome they don't care about payouts or official investigations now, they just want the truth out there and to see him held to account for it so thought "sod it, i'll make it all public, see if he survives that"?

There's so many different potential motivations that people may have for this to have happened.
The only thing I am looking forward to is the Sky coverage tomorrow...

What will they say, or will they blank it completely? I guess it depends on how this develops overnight!!
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