MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
I think it does make a fundamental difference, he may have just being saying 'put Britain first' as a statement about the importance of British sovereignty and nothing to do with the group called 'Britain First' or their rhetoric.

By their rhetoric, I mean the same set of ideas they espouse not necessarily the words they've said. The same rhetoric that certain posters on this forum have used in describing Remain voters as "traitors", the same rhetoric that Farage espouses when he describes how he wouldn't want a Romanian for a neighbour or presents posters of a line of Syrian refugees with "bursting point" written above it.
29 Jul 2010
By their rhetoric, I mean the same set of ideas they espouse not necessarily the words they've said. The same rhetoric that certain posters on this forum have used in describing Remain voters as "traitors", the same rhetoric that Farage espouses when he describes how he wouldn't want a Romanian for a neighbour or presents posters of a line of Syrian refugees with "bursting point" written above it.

Ahh, ok. Yep, I don't disagree with that
25 Nov 2015
I've found the increasing levels of vitriol, hatred, intolerance and unreason on places like the leave campaign facebook page increasingly worrying and frightening, before this happened.
My workmate was scared to put a remain poster in his window in case he got a brick thrown through it, before this.
This has been building up.
Is this really how debate in Britain should be?

Jo cox's death should make us reflect on our polluted abusive politics;

Neil Kinnock;
'We need to think a bit about the tone of our politics and the way that politicians and the media talk to each other … and the way social media kicks in and amplifies this. It’s not a big journey from saying horrible things to doing horrible things.'

Hilary Clinton;
'It is cruel and terrible that her life was cut short by a violent act of political intolerance. It is critical that the United States and Britain, two of the world’s oldest and greatest democracies, stand together against hatred and violence. This is how we must honour Jo Cox – by rejecting bigotry in all its forms, and instead embracing, as she always did, everything that binds us together.'
29 Dec 2014
I've found the increasing levels of vitriol, hatred, intolerance and unreason on places like the leave campaign facebook page increasingly worrying and frightening, before this happened.
My workmate was scared to put a remain poster in his window in case he got a brick thrown through it, before this.
This has been building up.
Is this really how debate in Britain should be?


Most of my close friends are all pretty liberal, (they also happen to be very intelligent) and as such, don't tend to be easily dragged into one camp or another, they're generally pretty quiet and calm about the whole thing.

However, when I go onto facebook, into the wider circle of people I know, it's just embarassing, I'm sick to death of endless pictures of St George's crosses, British Bulldogs and Winston ******* Churchill.

I'd like to think that I'm just looking in the wrong place, but everywhere I look - where I see people supporting leave, I see a lot of hate, a lot of uncontrolled emotive rants and the whole thing is just generally unpleasant.

Whether leaving the EU is good or bad - I haven't made my mind up yet, and might not be able to, but you cannot deny the whole campaign is being run with a lot of hate and scaremongering, it's also attracting the types of people who are more conducive to this sort of rhetoric.
Last edited:
25 Nov 2015
The Bishop of Leeds;
'I think it still raises questions about the nature of our political discourse and the language that is used. ****ging people off... dehumanising them. We’ve seen too much of that.'
30 Jul 2013
I thought what her Husband put out in his statement was incredible, bearing in mind what had just happened. I hope I could be that strong in similar circumstances.

Let her death not be a political football, but hopefully her legacy should inspire more positive debate in the short-term and hopefully some sobering introspection long-term.
20 Mar 2006
Don't know about you bit I'm getting tired of all the blinkered agenda pushing and complete lack of rational debate from all areas of society.

I'm seriously thinking about having a holiday from it all. After I place my vote next week I will find out the result and then spend my summer avoiding the talk at all costs.

I swear we will look back on this year with complete embarrassment. The Thames flotilla was the absolute breaking point for me where I "woke up" and just thought this is the future of our country and it's being played out like a story for Primary school children.

If this woman's death has resulted from a political agenda we need to go back and totally reassess the way politics is communicated to the people of this country. It is criminal that we've got to the point that the populous are so ill informed and removed from how the country runs.

We need to start in schools so that all members of society understand the system they live under, it's strengths, weaknesses, it's limitations.

Politicians and social groups are talked about like cartoon characters. We need a complete crackdown on lazy uniformed thinking and actually start engaging in rational debate about the realities of our society and how it runs.

Rant over....
25 Nov 2004
Don't know about you bit I'm getting tired of all the blinkered agenda pushing and complete lack of rational debate from all areas of society.

I'm seriously thinking about having a holiday from it all. After I place my vote next week I will find out the result and then spend my summer avoiding the talk at all costs.

I swear we will look back on this year with complete embarrassment. The Thames flotilla was the absolute breaking point for me where I "woke up" and just thought this is the future of our country and it's being played out like a story for Primary school children.

If this woman's death has resulted from a political agenda we need to go back and totally reassess the way politics is communicated to the people of this country. It is criminal that we've got to the point that the populous are so ill informed and removed from how the country runs.

We need to start in schools so that all members of society understand the system they live under, it's strengths, weaknesses, it's limitations.

Politicians and social groups are talked about like cartoon characters. We need a complete crackdown on lazy uniformed thinking and actually start engaging in rational debate about the realities of our society and how it runs.

Rant over....

Good post. I agree entirely.

Even if her death was not a direct result of political agenda, the fact that it has been so readily brought up in such a context by so many people to push their own point of view should be evidence enough that something is wrong.
15 Jan 2004

Most of my close friends are all pretty liberal, (they also happen to be very intelligent) and as such, don't tend to be easily dragged into one camp or another, they're generally pretty quiet and calm about the whole thing.

However, when I go onto facebook, into the wider circle of people I know, it's just embarassing, I'm sick to death of endless pictures of St George's crosses, British Bulldogs and Winston ******* Churchill.

I'd like to think that I'm just looking in the wrong place, but everywhere I look - where I see people supporting leave, I see a lot of hate, a lot of uncontrolled emotive rants and the whole thing is just generally unpleasant.

Whether leaving the EU is good or bad - I haven't made my mind up yet, and might not be able to, but you cannot deny the whole campaign is being run with a lot of hate and scaremongering, it's also attracting the types of people who are more conducive to this sort of rhetoric.

It is deeply ignorant to try to link (implicitly or explicitly) the tragic death of Jo Cox with the campaign to Leave the EU.

Consider the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal. As is well documented, the perpetrators were mostly Pakistani in origin, and the victims were almost exclusively white. No one in their right mind would suggest that the vile actions of these few men are representative of the Pakistani community in general. Yet, some individuals are quite happy to try to link the Leave EU campaign to the tragic death of Jo Cox, and imply that the murder is representative of attitudes on the Leave EU side. Such reasoning is quite simply disgraceful.
17 Oct 2002

Most of my close friends are all pretty liberal, (they also happen to be very intelligent) and as such, don't tend to be easily dragged into one camp or another, they're generally pretty quiet and calm about the whole thing.

However, when I go onto facebook, into the wider circle of people I know, it's just embarassing, I'm sick to death of endless pictures of St George's crosses, British Bulldogs and Winston ******* Churchill.

I'd like to think that I'm just looking in the wrong place, but everywhere I look - where I see people supporting leave, I see a lot of hate, a lot of uncontrolled emotive rants and the whole thing is just generally unpleasant.

Whether leaving the EU is good or bad - I haven't made my mind up yet, and might not be able to, but you cannot deny the whole campaign is being run with a lot of hate and scaremongering, it's also attracting the types of people who are more conducive to this sort of rhetoric.

The 'active' campaigners of both sides are acting disgustingly. I hate what this referendum is doing to this country. Sickening. Seeing how our politicians and media are acting, not to mention normal people who get involved.

This murder was horrific and if you want to put blame somewhere other than the killer, you can put it at the feet of both sides of this debate.
31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
Poor woman what a horrible death.

Shot in the face as well. :(

As for the campaigns they have been pretty nasty on both sides.

It was complete folly to open this up to the country without any sort of House of Commons debate.

We elect Parliament to choose on our behalf. The vote to stay or leave should have been left in the hands of the MPs.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth

Over the past three months Mrs Cox had become the target of a hate mail campaign and was in the process of receiving additional security at her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire as well as at her houseboat in London.

Police had cautioned a man in relation to a barrage of messages sent to Mrs Cox. The politician is said to have “thought little of them” until the “volume and frequency stepped up”.

What did she do to deserve that??

Her colleagues from both ends of the spectrum respected her.
3 Jun 2005
From what I’m seeing on social media, Remain’s desperate attempt to use Jo’s death isn’t just low, it’s rightly causing a lot of anger and disgust. They really have gone too far.
28 Jan 2003
Don't know about you bit I'm getting tired of all the blinkered agenda pushing and complete lack of rational debate from all areas of society.

I'm seriously thinking about having a holiday from it all. After I place my vote next week I will find out the result and then spend my summer avoiding the talk at all costs.

I swear we will look back on this year with complete embarrassment. The Thames flotilla was the absolute breaking point for me where I "woke up" and just thought this is the future of our country and it's being played out like a story for Primary school children.

If this woman's death has resulted from a political agenda we need to go back and totally reassess the way politics is communicated to the people of this country. It is criminal that we've got to the point that the populous are so ill informed and removed from how the country runs.

We need to start in schools so that all members of society understand the system they live under, it's strengths, weaknesses, it's limitations.

Politicians and social groups are talked about like cartoon characters. We need a complete crackdown on lazy uniformed thinking and actually start engaging in rational debate about the realities of our society and how it runs.

Rant over....

This is how politics has always been here, you just have to watch the weekly PMQ's to see these politicians acting like kids in the playground, jeering and what not, it was alwasy going to go like the way it has.

They are all a disgrace, and should be held to a much higher standard than they are, the fact the speaker has to tell them continually to pipe down and let the person speak is disgusting.
9 Nov 2005
Keep them in their constituencies and have a vast majority of this London time done more efficiently and grown up over the internet, giving politicians more time serving the people that voted for them.
17 Dec 2009
From what I’m seeing on social media, Remain’s desperate attempt to use Jo’s death isn’t just low, it’s rightly causing a lot of anger and disgust. They really have gone too far.

Yea your right, it's the remain campaign that's gone too far here, not the people celebrating her murder.

#VoteLeave, don't let this man's sacrifice go in vain.#JoCox would have filled Yorkshire with more subhumans!


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