MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

I don't think we should rule out attempts to analyse the contributing factors behind this, or any, terrible incident. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, as they say.

That said, the story doesn't end with "negative brexit rhetoric", "extreme right views", "mental health issues", or whatever. It needs to be drilled down further - why do those things exist, what can we do to mitigate/assuage/educate?

It's not disrespectful to analyse such an event in this way. Certainly no more than moderating her passing down to soulful platitudes.
Not surprised by this horrible development. The nationalist nutters have been hearing about immigrant invasions and loss of sovereignty for months, they have been urged to "take their country back", to defend it day after day on TV and various tabloids. If the report about the MP being a target is correct, then this is the direct result of that vitriol.

Bull ****
Its almost like the same mentality that people have when they go to support their footie team playing against a long time rival.

That sort of behaviour doesn't belong in a stadium let alone on a thread about the death of a mother and someone who tried her best to serve the people.

Just shows how tribal human beings still of the reasons I stopped going to watch my team play and gave up my season ticket.
Thomas Muir (murderer) had a subscription to the neo-Nazi magazine National Alliance which had articles on guns (expected) and bomb making.

Try when doing your best research to get some right wing propaganda on this guy to spell his name correctly or get it right in the first place, it would help.

It is Thomas Mair according to the BBC and others :rolleyes:
Try when doing your best research to get some right wing propaganda on this guy to spell his name correctly or get it right in the first place, it would help.

It is Thomas Mair according to the BBC and others :rolleyes:

It has been reported in many news media sites - it was a US based group who said they had evidence,including receipts:

The Daily Telegraph also said he subsribed to a magazine by a pro-apartheid group.

Now,it could all be lies,but who knows??
[TFU] Thegoon84;29639222 said:
I couldn't care tbh.... I think its time donkey radical parties like Britain First get a taste of their own medicine!

If this was the other way round, you'd see poor Jo Cox on their ballot paper as they beg for votes.... Complete scum and everything Jo Cox stood against!

Britain first has no place in society... What really narks me off is the fact they ban and delete anything they don't like on their page! Even the BNP leaves people express their views! How can they get political party status when that's the case?

Absolute Joke, I just hope we continue to hound the scum for being terrorists because of that one time someone may or may not have shouted "Britain first".

When and where have this group of nobodies killed anyone to enable you to call them terrorists? Can you prove any of what you say along with others with your opinions?

Some of the craziest posts i have seen on here for a while, do people just but their keyboards and post?

How some people here and in the wider media are even comparing this to terrorism is beyond rational and using it just to support their EU agendas makes them scumbags, idiots.
Gesture? They had no option but to not contest it, tbh I'd be surprised if any of the main parties did under the circumstances.

Just out of interest, what's your view on the other side to this then?

The last time an MP was killed, the view was that thus was an attack on democracy and so it was important to have a democratic election in response.
So a toxic combination of mental illness and far right sympathies.

Correct, as i said earlier.

In fact, i would bet that 75% plus of people on this forum and in the whole of the UK are probably living within 200 yards of a man just like this, but before he did what he did yesterday.

And what i mean is, a loner, white but it could be any colour, mental health issues, probable poor upbringing, seems a bit strange to people who don't know him, has some quirks about him, maybe speaks to himself, gets drunk a lot, basically a strange person, or weirdo as he would be called.

So your all living next to a potential terrorist going by the logic of posters on here and in the wider media.

What are you all going to do now?
Typical media reporting how it was a lone nutter.

I have no doubt the years and years of constantly reporting our country is going down the pan played some sort of role in this, whether 'Britain 1st' was shouted or not.

Additionally because its a white male, the papers are changing their tune, if it was a muslin they would no doubt be shouting that from the roof tops along with 'leave the EU close our boarders' - we all know they would.

This kind of reporting should be banned.


Because it usually is.
There's some serious ****ing weirdos on this forum.

A woman, a sitting MP serving her country, a wife and parent, was shot, stabbed, and ultimately killed yesterday and you're all squabbling over who is/isn't to blame, monitoring Google News and RSS feeds for any snippets of information that support your argument. Just think for a moment about how sick that actually is.

Granted, there is a time for all this. But her body is barely cold, the police are still piecing together what happened and why. The facts of the case aren't known or understood yet, and there's as much disinformation by people plugging their own agendas as legitimate, credible information. Not only is the squabbling utterly pointless right now, it's also highly inappropriate and disrespectful. This is a time for mourning.
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If we are told not to tar all Muslims with the extremist brush after events like Paris, then it is a double standard to do likewise to Brexiters here. If we are going to have those rules, then let's apply them equally to both sides, instead of the Left camping out on the moral high ground and having it both ways.

Who is saying that? I'm not. I've not read a single thing that is saying that. I do blame some elements within the campaign for helping creating a deeply unpleasant environment in which people say things like:


All traitors to be deported or shot.
There's some serious ****ing weirdos on this forum.

A woman, a sitting MP serving her country, a wife and parent, was shot, stabbed, and ultimately killed yesterday and you're all squabbling over who is/isn't to blame, monitoring Google News and RSS feeds for any snippets of information that support your argument. Just think for a moment about how sick that actually is.

Granted, there is a time for all this. But her body is barely cold, the police are still piecing together what happened and why. The facts of the case aren't known or understood yet, and there's as much disinformation by people plugging their own agendas as legitimate, credible information. Not only is the squabbling utterly pointless right now, it's also highly inappropriate and disrespectful. This is a time for mourning.

agree very sad...

but internutters gonna internutter

I haven't checked yet but I bet the conspiracy boards will be saying its a false flag of some kind.
It has been reported in many news media sites - it was a US based group who said they had evidence,including receipts:

The Daily Telegraph also said he subsribed to a magazine by a pro-apartheid group.

Now,it could all be lies,but who knows??

I find it amazing that a receipt from 1999 is looking so crisp and was 'found' so quickly after this sad event, did receipts even use that font back then? And some Far-Right Magazine from South Africa keeping a list of old subscribers? Still when you remember the undamaged passport somehow making it's way out of one of the Sept 11th planes I guess anything is possible....

This whole incident is getting so much spin put on it from all different Agendas it will have it's own orbit.
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