MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Still amazes me how quick people are to affilliate other terrorist activities at the mere mention of the word "Allah hu Akbar" - yet refuse to believe it when the words "Britain First" are provided by multiple eye witnesses.

Anyways - for those who still think Mr Muir had nothing to do with Britain First - here you go - Photo has Dewsbury Town Hall in the background - would you look at that, guess who that is stood in the middle?


Lemme guess - he was just passing and got caught in the moment arazi?

Who? Frank?

The killers surname is Mair also :rolleyes:

And can you provide a credible source for the "multiple eye witnesses" claim please, i have asked before but you and the others ignored it again.
Your not here to debate anything - just to push your bigotted agenda as always - hence why people don't bother trying to 'educate pork'.

More seriously though:

Leave your message of condolence

After the terrible death of Jo Cox, Labour MP for Batley and Spen, we're inviting people to leave messages of condolence, support, and solidarity for Jo's family, friends and colleagues.
Anyways - for those who still think Mr Muir had nothing to do with Britain First - here you go - Photo has Dewsbury Town Hall in the background - would you look at that, guess who that is stood in the middle?

Is that the same guy? I wouldn't want to make a positive id from a blurry side-on shot. I mean, it could be him, but it could equally just be someone who looks a bit similar.
Why will i look silly, all i have said and repeated through this thread is that it has not been confirmed and wait for the facts, just like you posted above, or are you another one that hasn't read the thread from the start? I have also said that if he did say it then he probably supports them.

My main point in this whole thread though is that it has got nothing to do with the EU referendum either way.

So your post has no point.

Have read every page, have saw your almost vehement reaction to the idea that he said Britain first as opposed to put Britain first.

It's 50/50 either way, not as clear cut as you was making out initially. So yes you would look silly..
No disgreement there.

Were Lee Rigbys killers mentally ill? I mean, trying to saw someone's head off in the street is not exactly normal is it.
Is it safe to say they were brainwashed? The correct term for someone who is 'mentally ill' is that they have a mental health issue. I wouldn't call being brainwashed as ill, but I'd certainly say that it could be a mental 'issue' for sure.

Food for thought that one.
And can you provide a credible source for the "multiple eye witnesses" claim please, i have asked before but you and the others ignored it again.

The Guardian reports "at least two", including Graeme Howard. The Independent and The Mirror report that Clarke Rothwell said the same thing, and since The Guardian mention him by name but don't credit him with the observation I'd assume he's a different person to the "at least 2" they talk of. The BBC just says "Witnesses reported that during the attack he shouted "Britain first" twice." but note the plural: 'witnesses.
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Is it safe to say they were brainwashed? The correct term for someone who is 'mentally ill' is that they have a mental health issue. I wouldn't call being brainwashed as ill, but I'd certainly say that it could be a mental 'issue' for sure.

Food for thought that one.

A good differentiation there, I like it.

Pretty fundamental to the perpetrators motivations, and still recognising the difference between not having personal responsibility for ones actions (mental illness) and having responsibility - even though 'brainwashed'

Though you should read Robocods* post in the ISIS thread (I think?) about the myth of 'radicalisation', it was another thoughtful read

Edit : * Moses was the wrong accreditation
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The Guardian reports "at least two, including Graeme Howard. The Independent and The Mirror report that Clarke Rothwell said the same thing, and since The Guardian mention him by name but don't credit him with the observation I'd assume he's a different person to the "at least 2" they talk of. The BBC just says "Witnesses reported that during the attack he shouted "Britain first" twice." but note the plural: 'witnesses.

Thanks for summing up the current media position, very helpful.
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