MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Still amazes me how quick people are to affilliate other terrorist activities at the mere mention of the word "Allah hu Akbar" - yet refuse to believe it when the words "Britain First" are provided by multiple eye witnesses.

Anyways - for those who still think Mr Muir had nothing to do with Britain First - here you go - Photo has Dewsbury Town Hall in the background - would you look at that, guess who that is stood in the middle?


Lemme guess - he was just passing and got caught in the moment arazi?

Maybe now might be a good time to come up with some phrases to describe the deniers
BF apologise-rs?
BF sympathisers? :p

But hey - I'm not gunna stoop to the levels of the known bigots here, jesting aside.

You have been asked a few times, what is the source of this image.
It’s time to call the killing of Jo Cox what it is: 'an act of far-Right terrorism'

I can't say I agree: as with the killing of Lee Rigby, this is politically motivated murder rather than terrorism. I'll admit it's a vague distinction but I think we're too quick to call things terrorism and I don't think it's helpful to public discourse.
There seems to be some celebration of her death from certain 'fronts' in the UK, some of them suggesting she was a 'race traitor' or that she was Jewish. Either way:
So for that reason I cannot oppose the brutal, resonative execution of a fairly major politician and a traitor. Woman or not.

Pretty sickening...
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I would have thought that the BF website would have taken that picture down if it really was him within minutes of the attack.
Could be anybody.
A good differentiation there, I like it.

Pretty fundamental to the perpetrators motivations, and still recognising the difference between not having personal responsibility for ones actions (mental illness) and having responsibility - even though 'brainwashed'

Though you should read Robocods* post in the ISIS thread (I think?) about the myth of 'radicalisation', it was another thoughtful read

Edit : * Moses was the wrong accreditation
Glad you liked it :) And thanks for the suggestion I'll have a read of his post now.

Edited: That's a huuge thread!
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I would have thought that the BF website would have taken that picture down if it really was him within minutes of the attack.

Just because you think it doesn't make it reality

Could be anybody.

Well, it couldn't be me. And I would assume as the affiliate members of Britain First isn't that large, there aren't that many candidates...

I'm not saying it is, but don't you see your own bias? When you immediately call it a photo shop, then when it's shown to be on a legitimate website you come up with another flippant dismissal, can't you even acknowledge the possibility for discussion that this was a politically right wing motivated attack, just as abhorrent as a religiously motivated one? (Which you are happy to endlessly espouse about)
Just because you think it doesn't make it reality

Well, it couldn't be me. And I would assume as the affiliate members of Britain First isn't that large, there aren't that many candidates...

I'm not saying it is, but don't you see your own bias? When you immediately call it a photo shop, then when it's shown to be on a legitimate website you come up with another flippant dismissal, can't you even acknowledge the possibility for discussion that this was a politically right wing motivated attack, just as abhorrent as a religiously motivated one? (Which you are happy to endlessly espouse about)

Yes of course it could be, i have never said it couldn't be and i don't think many have said it couldn't be.
Yes of course it could be, i have never said it couldn't be and i don't think many have said it couldn't be.

Well, anybody mentioning it seems to be getting shouted down...

Maybe you guys don't like the extrapolation to tarring the rest of the people holding the same views (but not acting on the same impulses), a bit like all Muslims don't like to get tarred.

I haven't heard any right wing ideologists standing up and apologising for this guys actions...... (and why should they, hey?)
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I'm just thinking about the guy that has done this. From the photo issued in the press, the one of him sitting on the bench, I would say that he 'doesn't look quite right' and that was the first thing that struck me when I saw him, by that I mean I think he may have a mental health issue. He's a long term volunteer so that puts him on benefits, most likely ESA or similar. He appears to be fully active and physically fit therefore it's quite possible that his need for benefits points to the fact that he does indeed have some kind of mental health issue. Now mix this with being brainwashed (easily led too perhaps) and we have the ingredients for something like this.

I am speculating of course, but I think it's a reasonable speculation (if there's such a thing) and what this gives us is more of what myself/Freakbro touched on (we didn't actually touch, honest!) earlier and makes it all very complicated with all sorts of possible theories, claims, defences, allegations, pleas, outcomes etc.
I'm just thinking about the guy that has done this. From the photo issued in the press, the one of him sitting on the bench, I would say that he 'doesn't look quite right' and that was the first thing that struck me when I saw him, by that I mean I think he may have a mental health issue. He's a long term volunteer so that puts him on benefits, most likely ESA or similar. He appears to be fully active and physically fit therefore it's quite possible that his need for benefits points to the fact that he does indeed have some kind of mental health issue. Now mix this with being brainwashed (easily led too perhaps) and we have the ingredients for something like this.

I am speculating of course, but I think it's a reasonable speculation (if there's such a thing) and what this gives us is more of what myself/Freakbro touched on (we didn't actually touch, honest!) earlier and makes it all very complicated with all sorts of possible theories, claims, defences, allegations, pleas, outcomes etc.

Local talk is all about him having had mental health problems in the past, getting help and then cuts meaning the help was lost potentially leading to issues with the state.

How much of that is true is hard to gauge, especially in light of the reported leanings or sympathies or ideologies.
The Guardian reports "at least two", including Graeme Howard. The Independent and The Mirror report that Clarke Rothwell said the same thing, and since The Guardian mention him by name but don't credit him with the observation I'd assume he's a different person to the "at least 2" they talk of. The BBC just says "Witnesses reported that during the attack he shouted "Britain first" twice." but note the plural: 'witnesses.

Ta. I hadn't seen the other guys mentioned.
Local talk is all about him having had mental health problems in the past, getting help and then cuts meaning the help was lost potentially leading to issues with the state.

How much of that is true is hard to gauge, especially in light of the reported leanings or sympathies or ideologies.

I think it could be useful to know what sort of metal health issues. That go some way to being able to verify the theory of cuts to services.
I think it could be useful to know what sort of metal health issues. That go some way to being able to verify the theory of cuts to services.

Yeah, I was keen to say it was local talk because that's all it is. There's no real evidence it's mostly conjecture and hearsay. He was known for being a bit weird but people will attach all sorts of things to that.
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