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MSI R9 290 / 290x gaming edition - powertune throttling the core clock discussion...

Hey all, just received my MSI 290x and loving it! Managed to get it to 1100/1400 without touching any voltage settings. Quick question, Im running it with powerplay disabled etc and wondering what temps are ok for the card to run at? So far getting up to around 72-74 degrees on BF4 and less than that on 3DMark (around 64)

As long as temps are at 93C or lower you're fine. If they get up to 94C the card may throttle a bit. Enjoy.
Hey all, just received my MSI 290x and loving it! Managed to get it to 1100/1400 without touching any voltage settings. Quick question, Im running it with powerplay disabled etc and wondering what temps are ok for the card to run at? So far getting up to around 72-74 degrees on BF4 and less than that on 3DMark (around 64)

nice one man :D:D:D:D welcome to the MSI 290(x) OC non reference club!
Hey guys, I just had a fan not start up on boot, I gave it a spin and it is back to normal but will keep an eye on it. Just a heads up if it's a faulty bios or something and the fans aren't spinning up properly.

if it does it again I will RMA it.
nice one man :D:D:D:D welcome to the MSI 290(x) OC non reference club!

Haha, thanks. Loving it so far, managed to get a fire strike mark of over 10k just by fiddling which I'm loving! Massive upgrade from my 7970Ghz.

Trying to push for 1500MHz memory but keep getting Black Screen of No Return, which Im led to believe is caused by the memory. On afterburner I can only increase Core and Aux voltage but not the memory voltage. Is that because of bios settings or are you just not able to do that on MSI cards?
Hey all, just received my MSI 290x and loving it! Managed to get it to 1100/1400 without touching any voltage settings. Quick question, Im running it with powerplay disabled etc and wondering what temps are ok for the card to run at? So far getting up to around 72-74 degrees on BF4 and less than that on 3DMark (around 64)

How do you disable powerplay?

Sorry if it's already mentioned.
Sometimes my GPU will remain at 1077mhz when exiting a game. This happened about 20 minutes ago after playing Planetside 2 so I selected close MSI afterburner and I got a blue screen :/
Sometimes my GPU will remain at 1077mhz when exiting a game. This happened about 20 minutes ago after playing Planetside 2 so I selected close MSI afterburner and I got a blue screen :/

You using unofficial overclocking API in afterburner? Its unsupported by AMD so there may be issues with it occasionally on current drivers.
ahh ok thanks. I overclocked it to 1077mhz, seems to be running well.

You should leave the memory at stock. It allows you to undervolt the core and still add a chunky overclock. 16% core overclock with -0.050mv voltage.


That 50mhz you have on your memory will be doing nothing for your fps. If i want to overclock my memory to say 1400 i need the core voltage at stock or 0.000mv. Makes such little sense to worry about overclocking the memory on Hawaii with a 512 bit bus, unless benching of course.
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