Had a bit of a close call the other day. Took my X8C out for a quick flight at a local park. Took off, trimmed it a bit then began climbing. Descended a little bit and all of a sudden, complete loss of power and it dropped like a stone. Big crash. Luckily, it was only from about 30 ft up. Pick it up and dusted it down. But when I bound the Tx to the quad and applied a little throttle and it span up and cut out almost immediately. Only 3 props were spinning, one of the front props didn't move at all.
I feared the worst but once I got home and did a tear down, there was no apparent damage despite it hitting the ground fairly hard. One of the prop pinions had a weird piece of material sticking out of it just under the prop itself:-
This was what I pulled out from under the prop:-
There was still some around the prop pinion/gear:-
I've no idea what it was, or what has happened. But I stripped everything down, replaced the gear cog, cleaned everything up and put it all back together. All 4 motors spun up fine. So I nipped to the park and had a few flights. All is well, thankfully.
However.......I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not but it seems to fly faster going backwards than pitching forwards? And it also seems to pitch backwards at a much increased angle compared to going forwards? Almost like when its going forwards, its in 'L - Low' speed mode and when going backwards its in 'H - High' speed mode, if that makes sense? I'm wondering if when the pinion gear has seized if I've damaged one of the front motors a little bit and its not performing as it should?
Apart from that, its flying fine despite its traumatic episode! I'll post up a video of what happened in a bit.
**EDIT** - The video. If you listen at about 1 min 15 secs into it you can hear a change in the noise of the motors. I think that must have been when it began to seize.