Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

I nearly clicked buy from the exact same store 2 weeks ago. A lot cheaper than anywhere else by a good margin.

Read some reviews and just closed the page and decided to save a bit more cash first.
The rain forest price was a fiver less than the shop in question but doesn't come with the backpack. Oddly, the rain forest price has gone up £35 since yesterday.

I'd also be interested to know how airlines feel about taking drones on to planes. Either in the hold or hand luggage. I'm hoping to take the Phantom to Ukraine in October for a Chernobyl tour.
Had a bit of a close call the other day. Took my X8C out for a quick flight at a local park. Took off, trimmed it a bit then began climbing. Descended a little bit and all of a sudden, complete loss of power and it dropped like a stone. Big crash. Luckily, it was only from about 30 ft up. Pick it up and dusted it down. But when I bound the Tx to the quad and applied a little throttle and it span up and cut out almost immediately. Only 3 props were spinning, one of the front props didn't move at all. :(

I feared the worst but once I got home and did a tear down, there was no apparent damage despite it hitting the ground fairly hard. One of the prop pinions had a weird piece of material sticking out of it just under the prop itself:-


This was what I pulled out from under the prop:-


There was still some around the prop pinion/gear:-


I've no idea what it was, or what has happened. But I stripped everything down, replaced the gear cog, cleaned everything up and put it all back together. All 4 motors spun up fine. So I nipped to the park and had a few flights. All is well, thankfully. However.......I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not but it seems to fly faster going backwards than pitching forwards? And it also seems to pitch backwards at a much increased angle compared to going forwards? Almost like when its going forwards, its in 'L - Low' speed mode and when going backwards its in 'H - High' speed mode, if that makes sense? I'm wondering if when the pinion gear has seized if I've damaged one of the front motors a little bit and its not performing as it should?

Apart from that, its flying fine despite its traumatic episode! I'll post up a video of what happened in a bit.

**EDIT** - The video. If you listen at about 1 min 15 secs into it you can hear a change in the noise of the motors. I think that must have been when it began to seize.

Anyone else have/use Litchi ? I tried it today, just a little mission around the local park. It was very weird (and scary) seeing the P3P take off and fly around the field on its own, but worked very well.
Ahhh awesome flying there. Jealous of the field. The range on your quad is great though.

Did my first proper FPV test yesterday with my EF250:

Need to tweak it a bit though.

Can I ask? How do you go about with flipping and rolling? In terms of throttle control? Do you begin the roll then ease off the throttle?

I'm flying in acro mode full control. You can flip and roll with or without throttle.
To do barrel rolls I give throttle then shut off. Do your roll then throttle out.
The range is amazing using a taranis plus remote and it will speak to me when I'm flying to say Rssi low or critical. So can tell when getting out of range.
I'm flying in acro mode full control. You can flip and roll with or without throttle.
To do barrel rolls I give throttle then shut off. Do your roll then throttle out.
The range is amazing using a taranis plus remote and it will speak to me when I'm flying to say Rssi low or critical. So can tell when getting out of range.

Forgot to say that was Rate mode I was flying in also.

Cool cheers, tweaked a few settings on the quad and it's rolling a NOT nicer now, much much easier. I'll bear your tips in mind :)

Not brave enough to try flipping yet :p
Oh dear, what did you break? The Quads handling really well there :)

Got some new settings on my Quad last night, I can finally roll :D The downside is one of my prop nuts popped off? =/
Spookywillow, you need more D, for sure. It shouldn't be bouncing back like that after rolls or hard inputs.
It also looks a bit mushy in the air to me, so maybe more P until it's crisp? Only you can tell by feel really, but that's the impression I get from the video.
Cheers, I'll post my pids up when I finish work but D is already pretty high, could just be this and frame.

I've tried adding more P but the wobbles start, but I'll check again.
Hi guys my issue with Vision 2+ lost telemetry data and live feed to iphone that I use. I checked the camera manual record function works fine. Decided to do the heatsink renewal mod that I've seen people do and just tested it. I had to rename my extender and manual bind the camera with the mac address. I now have got telemetry, camera pitch control I can even press record and the camera is recording the video and stills, but still no live feed. Tried change preview quality but all I get is a busy icon on the display.
Do I need to just bite the bullet and get a new wifi module? If so where would you recommend and is there a part number I should specifically use? I just want to make sure I get the right thing. Thanks
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Just bought a 2nd hand Tarot X4. Been chatting with Foxtech about a motor, esc and prop combo for it. Plan to run dual 6s for a 12s setup so going for 24' props, 100kv motors.

Big heavy setup for long flights and heavy lift
Random question, but the Phantom gets a lot of attention from birds. Seagulls especially, as it probably does look like another seagull to them and it's quite small so they probably think they can take it on.

Worried that one day one's going to try and attack it and the Phantom will fall out of the sky.

So has anyone tried or read about any bird deterrents? I was thinking wrapping the arms or part of the body in hi-viz tape so it looks less 'natural' but someone may have a better solution.
Seagulls are really intelligent and have excellent eyesight. If they attack the phantom, it's not because they mistake it for a bird, it's because they are complete **** heads.

Ive had a couple come in for a look at mine, but they have never actually bothered about it too much.
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