Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Mine got mullered by it. 200 to 300m range max when prior i could go 3 miles no problems.

You were flying out 3 miles?

For a start, that's illegal. The limit is direct line of sight, which I can lose on a 20 acre field.

I also SERIOUSLY doubt any standard Phantom 3 would ever go 3 miles miles without the control link breaking. It's 5.8GHz, only 16dBm (40mW). You'd be lucky to get the specified 500m out of that. The US version with the higher power can only do 1Km.

I had another go at using Litchi for my P3P, but used Chrome instead of Firefox.

8 waypoints and 1 POI, the camera was fixed at the poi all the time. The mission was planned at home using LitchiHub, saved and loaded into the app when I got to the field.

Litchi is recommended to anyone with DJI Phantoms & Inspires.
Does anyone use a Nexus 7 (1st Gen) to run the DJI Go app on?

I have one sitting around not being used and I have read a guide on overclocking it and sideways installing DJI Go. Not sure if it's worth all the effort or not though.

Anyone have experience of this? Any pitfalls to watch out for?

If not then I need to get the cheapest tablet that I can to run DJI Go - so any advice very much appreciated as my Nexus 6 phone is just too small to use properly!
Took the P3S for its first flight yeterday. What an awesome bird. So easy to fly it's scary.

After reading up on quite a few fly aways is the general rule to flip it straight into Atti mode? Obviously let RTH do it's thing but if that fails?
You were flying out 3 miles?

For a start, that's illegal. The limit is direct line of sight, which I can lose on a 20 acre field.

I also SERIOUSLY doubt any standard Phantom 3 would ever go 3 miles miles without the control link breaking. It's 5.8GHz, only 16dBm (40mW). You'd be lucky to get the specified 500m out of that. The US version with the higher power can only do 1Km.

Mines a pro one not standard.
After reading up on quite a few fly aways is the general rule to flip it straight into Atti mode? Obviously let RTH do it's thing but if that fails?

Yep, ATTI will do the trick even if RTH plays silly beggars. I wish I had known that though, when mine flew away on my first flight. Doh! ;)
Do you know what caused your fly away?

I can't be certain of the cause but it happened immediately after I engaged 'Follow Me' mode. After the event I Googled furiously to see if there was any connection and found that there were many people who had experienced the same thing after switching to Follow Me mode. I've only tried it once, since. Been too wary of doing so again otherwise.

Oh and FWIW, I have downgraded to 1.5.7 FW. Had very few issues with 1.6.80 until Sunday evening when I was out for a flight - constantly loosing video feed when going out past 20m or so and it would RTH. No idea why, been working fine up until then. Tried out 1.5.7 for the first time last night with my windsurfer fitted - went out to just over300m with no issues (I ran out of open ground after that :) ).
Sorry to dive in with a question, but it's a long thread - can anyone recommend a 'copter for an eight year old?
i'm still using beginner mode too - i know i'm just being a wimp and need to let it stretch its wings (or rotors) a bit

No Its a good option to get used to it. Especialy for me as I have not flown anything before. I've had about 4 flights with it on so thought I would give it a blast. Also wanted to see if I had any range issues.

Goes quite a bit faster with beginner mode off. pretty scary though taking it up further than 30m. Think I went to about 60m up and around 120m distance.
Ordered a Yuneec Typhoon H yesterday which came today but wondered if anyone can help confirm something.

Emblazoned on the box it says that it should come with a Free Wizard controller and all the instructions, etc are in the box separately for that controller but no control!

Aware this was an offer from Yuneec but surely if its on the box it should be in the box?
Sorry to dive in with a question, but it's a long thread - can anyone recommend a 'copter for an eight year old?

Syma x8c? Jjrc h11c?

There is another one that lots of people get but I can for the life of me think what it is....

Edit: hubsan x4
The Syma X5 is a pretty good beginner quad too and slightly less expensive than the X8. :)

I need to work on my technique but here is some footage I took of my work colleagues playing in a memorial football match last weekend. :)


I can't seem to find a way to embed the Vimeo link on the forums unfortunately.
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