I know it's hard.
I have same.
It takes me ages to do DIY jobs. Especially painting. I think for DIY I'm quite perfectionist so it is frustrating seeing bad bits. And this can easily happen with feature walls etc. So it kills motivation.
Worse still is hobbies. I have hobbies that I love but simply getting out of the house is difficult.
It's OK if I book. Or I'm going with others. Then I'll always go. But if I'm just going for a bike ride it can be hard to get.out.
Depression runs in my family and this absolutely doesn't help. Also I'm not got with an organised life.
I always try to motivate myself. But I have to say its always a struggle. And time is always slipping by in the background
I already posted the above.
But having just gone through a big C scare (come out clear) it's emphasised even more how saving for the future and not making most of now is a dangerous game.
Even though I believe when you die that's it. There's no after life. No memories. If you follow the "it doesn't matter" mentality you are going to live a miserable life.
For me I want to look back having made most of time. To have visited places, to have been out on my bike at weekends etc.
Even more after this I value time and don't want to waste it. The endless battle with my mental state (apathy, depression) will always be there. And finding that motivation will always be hard.
But having gone through thoughts of the end. What did I value? The kayaking holiday I did in Norway that year. Not the 20k I put into my Isa.
In fact I'd go further as I thought about my will. And how much estate (pension, savings etc) I have amased vs how much I've lived. And it's way out of kilter.
I've spent too much time saving for tomorrow. Although this is sensible. I've gone too far. The worst fear going through those thoughts was... Damn I shouldnt have put that holiday off until next year.
If this has a good end result it will be to be aware (truly aware) time is short. And you never know. Make most of now.
As to the motivation piece, you do have to find it in yourself. My mum does nothing now due to her depression. Nothing can get her out of it. So she's well off but miserable and it's horrible to see.
How to not be that person? Medication, cbt, gym/sports.. Doesn't matter what it is. But don't look back and regret. It's a cliché and we all know it. But sometimes only really facing dark times makes you appreciate life.
Makes me think of the muse lyric. Don't waste your time, or time will waste you.
I also thought about my dog, and missing out on him growing up. I thought about what my friends and family would see that I wouldn't. Not anything material, like the next house or a nice car. Or career, never did I think about that.
I've chosen not to have kids and that didn't become a regret either.
A true scare really makes you see what you value. Well, it did for me.
I feel this shows me I value experiences not possions or career. And it's allowing me to go forward knowing this. I will be taking more holidays from now on. And not putting off things I can do now. Motivation is core.