NEARLY 2 WEEKS WAITING: Nissan GT-R is finally mine!

Good to meet you, was a great day with only a few red flags!

I took Max (black GTR) out in my M3 at the end of the day and he was shocked how good the brakes are in it compared to his Alcon Super Kit! But that's what happens when you try to stop 1800kg vs 1300kg.

Oh that was you!!!

Haha don't I feel silly :D I did wonder why a random M3 turned up in the Garage and assumed you were there with one of the other GTR guys haha.

Wish I could have made it could have given you something to try keeping up with. ;)

Wishful thinking ;)
Well got in today and saw the green papers... oh ****.


38 in a 30.

But, it wasn't for me ha!
I managed to sneak in to a few just as I'm lining up the overtake :D Looks like Coppice though so probably the last place I'd overtake a GTR with twice the power!
Well today was Litchfields second Silverstone day and I popped along... after getting up at 5:30 and at Silverstone for 7:30, the fun began.

What can I say but that track was just GTR heaven. Looking at it, and the 3 tanks of petrol burned, was out there for between 3-4 hours track time and am absolutely ruined. Everything hurts, and mentally so tired keeping up the concentration needed.

The big highlight of the day? Chatting to Hiroshi Tamura.


A big shout out has to go to Iain Litchfield and John Misskin for their no small part in organizing these days, Iain and Neil have looked after me and the car, and kept it running in top condition. And John Misskin is lead organizing man, who makes these things happen.

It was such a fantastic day, a lot of great guys, some monster cars and apart from one moment early on when some guy nearly wiped me out after his brakes gave up on him (fortunately I noticed he was coming up rather too quickly and managed to get out the way with millimeters to spare) he did come down and apologize.

Onto the tyres....

I have been raving about the Sport4S Tyres since they went on the car, but, today I fell out of love with them, after a good few laps, they just seemed to give up on me and for about an hour I had no confidence at all in the grip. Near the end of the day the track was empty, so I went out and really gave them some abuse, and they did start to come back again, so maybe they just needed a scrubbing or a heat cycle, but to go from one lap of plenty of confidence to the next where I ended up mowing the grass at brooklands/luffield was unnerving.

Will be getting the tyres off tomorrow to see what condition they are in, but am currently deciding between R888R or Sport cup 2s.

One final picture before I go pass out!

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Another good day! Shame the only time I saw you out on track my electrics decided to cut off :D Save another battle for next time!

Dont worry, the other M3 with that massssssssssssssssssive spoiler spanked me left right and center :D
Those tyres are fine, some road use they will be back to normal, trust me I've done a lot of track days on Michelin rubber, a lot of that will be pickup and some will be just from tyres getting too hot, GTR is heavy. I got around 10 track days from a set of MPSS before the rubber had gone off (too many heat cycles).

Naughty naughty M3's bullying you, but hey you bullied one at the drag strip, so its only revenge. ;)
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