Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

Bit of prep for you if i'm gone by the time you appear:

Get CPU-z - open it - look at the CPU tab then study the -
  • Core voltage
  • Core Soeed
  • Core Multiplier
- for a few minutes while the computer is idle - make a few notes of the numbers (they will fluctuate - so don't worry).

Then repeat the process while you run prime 95 - again look at the exact same info within the CPU tab. Again - make notes of figures that you see.

This is 'belt and braces' information before we start to enter the clock and also gets you familiar with CPU-z.

Then move onto the SPD tab (within CPU-z) and give me the info in the XMP column.
Okay -

Core speed: 1604.21mhz
Multiplier: x16 (16-37)
Core Voltage: 0.900 ish

Under test:
Core Speed: 3408.94
Multiplier: x34 (16-37)
Core Voltage: 1.190

XMP-1600: (not under test, don't know if p95 does anything to it?)
Frequency: 800mhz
Cas# Latency: 9.0
Ras# to Cas#: 9
Ras# Precharge: 9
tRAC: 27
tRC: 36
Voltage: 1.650v
Nope - I just wanted the XMP values for your memory - those are the settings we'll need if we manually set it up.

What's the manufacturer of the memory and part number? - you'll find it under the SPD tab
Ok - I only have time now for a basic clock - with minimal tinkering - but we should be OK and may well last (we're only going for 4.3Ghz).

Go to you BIOS...
It's a moderate clock - most 2500k will do this using the method I'm going to use - but we will only be setting the memory frequency for now - and checking voltages.
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