it was in the news this week ? - MP's report is out.
I meant incidents of spiking.
Interestingly one of the prominent accusers seemed quite happy with this investigation, presumably because they didn't actually address the massive elephant in the room re: the lack of evidence for this even being a real thing, it's been conflated with regular spiking etc.
So what are we concluding then, literally everyone is lying.
No, not necessarily, more likey they genuinely believe what they're saying. That doesn't make it true, did any of them claim to witness a person spike them with a needle?
While the needle thing is unlikely to be true, it's worth remembering that:
That's the other thing, even regular spiking (with drugs) is mostly BS, it's generally alcohol, spiking could be someone pouring out too much alcohol into a cocktail or some doucehbag buying a girl a bunch of doubles when she asked for singles etc..
When people try to study spiking (just regular claims of spiking with drugs let alone needle spiking) they don't find the evidence, they find lots of people who have drunk a lot of alcohol.
Needling - evidence suggest not happening
Drink Spiking - evidence proves it happens.
I'd split it down further:
Needling - no evidence, highly implausible
Drink Spiking (with drugs) - evidence shows most claims are incorrect and made by people who simply drank too much, it is plausible though but seemingly very rare
Drink Spiking (with alcohol) - seems to be way more likely to occur than spiking with drugs, claims of having been spiked are still potentially very iffy