Ok, so a snatch squad has gone into a riot situation, and lifted four very specific people. Do you think they were random, or targetted ???
If they were targetted, why were they lifted ?? for just this riot, or for other previous activities, if it was done in early 2004, there was no law and order, there were no police or courts in Iraq at that time. So where should they have been sent ????
If they were lifted at random, then they may have been doing something that we cannot and did not see, discuss what they may have been doing to have caused the soldiers to do that, also remembering that at that time in 2004 there was no Iraqi judicial system.
Remember the training ground that the british soldiers have had for this sort of "Civil War" scenario - Northern Island. That is the situation in Iraq at the moment it is a civil war, but it is being fed by many other nationalities coming over the border to have a go at the western forces.
Now Im not condoning the actions in any way, but everyone and I mean every one has not seen oor heard the precursor to this riot, back in 2004 Basra was a very peacful place, one where we could walk around happily, and go to the local markets, and eat in the local restaurants, not now, the insurgents have taken control. The are every where, the Local police, and army, and local gangs are infested with them. So much so that in the south British people are under constant threat of kidnap since the brits pulled those two guys out of the "police station"
Oh yeah and can we get the inflamatory thread title changed it wasnt so much torture as much as a severe beating.