New and shocking footage of British troops torturing Iraqis...

Slam62 said:
Our soldiers shouldnt even be there, its a foreign country that did not threaten us in anyway, the Iraqis would have sorted out Sadam in the end, there were no wmds and no chemicals and now our soldiers have become a target for the locals.
The soldiers doing a bit of stress relieving is fine, i bet the locals were'nt eactly inocent, but what i find appalling is the polititions taking the holier than thou stance when they ordered the soldiers to hit the country with everything they could.

Dont get me wrong, Sadam is an evil man etc but its not our fight, obviously in this day and age its difficult for the public to accept 'Iraq wont give us any oil so we're going to go over to their place and duff them in', of course our gang, sorry professional soldiers are going to behave like gentlemen all the time and pat little iraqi on the head and say dont do it again. Us brits believe anything if it makes us feal more self righteous.

Ooo look at that nasty soldier kicking that nice iraqi how shocking, did you know quite a few nice iraqis got blown to bits in the war and a lot of others were maimed for life.

Good old james bond didnt do too well identifying the threat either, what do they all do at that nice new gchq building then and with those billions of taxes they spend.

They new for certain all along there were no wmds etc so why are we in iraq if not to nick he oil. Bring the soldiers home and let them beat each other up at an army camp.
I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Your naivity really is stunning i expect an officer wrote an official report about it complete with numbers on each side and diagrams.
People in this country live in happy little blissful ignorance, its a real world with real competition, if you dont win you die. um so to speak.
The us and brittain (and the rest of the world) are desperate for energy and will do anything to secure a supply.
What do youdogooders want us 2 do? Don't answer that 'cause I already know that if you had your way you'd have sent in a team of Morris Dancers :rolleyes: If somebody was throwing rocks at me or grenades I know I'd want 2 kick them. (Ex Army) Saying that, as a soldier I would not personally engage in gratuitous violence against innocents.
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Von Smallhausen said:
Whether it is filmed and aired or not, militants will continue to come into Iraq and be recruited in Iraq. they need no excuse to target Allied troops, mainly the United States.
err you do realise that most of the violence is Iraqi v Iraqi, mainly driven by religious/political differences. Also the foreign insurgants aren't as significant in the anti Coalition forces as they were 2 years ago. Lets also forget that anti US violence began to rise significantly after the prison scandel broke.

Lets hope this isn't a big motivator for people contemplating violence against British forces in the SE
I have morals Sleepy, in more ways than you may think, but my mind is set in stone on this subject. The reasons we are over there are one thing and another argument. The fact is we are there and I back them.
Allways? With no limits?
I didn't hear nearly as much furore when several British troops were captured by Iranian forces a while back and were paraded blindfolded on unbiased Arabic TV.
Iranian troops do not represent me nor do they act on my behalf. British troops do. Slight difference.
There will be no doubt a lot of peeps out there who will be keen to defend our boys no matter what, well, I for one am calling for our boys to be brought back for sentencing so they don't cause any more trouble. I will also be taking down my British flag from the Window in case I get a stone through it. No wonder, middle east reaction is so high these days.
ethan said:
What do you gooddooers want us 2 do? Don't answer that 'cause I already know that if you had your way you'd have sent in a team of Morris Dancers :rolleyes: If somebody was throwing rocks at me or grenades I know I'd want 2 kick the **** out of them. (Ex Army)

They weren't throwing ANYTHING while they were being beaten!!!

They were ALREADY in custody!!! What exactly did beating them accomplish???

I can't believe people are actually making excuses for these animals.
Well they cant get sky out there, they havent got laid for six months, what do you expect, they're supposed to be aggressive their job is to kill people and not get killed.

Dont expect them to behave like flower arrangers or social workers. I dont think a single part of iraq is safe for just about anybody and i really cant see when it will be.
We should just throw a cordon arround the oil fields and pipelines and let the locals fight it out. Now if they showed that on sky the soldiers would stay in and watch it.
Nana said:
yeah but even that wouldn't be happening if america and us hadn't done what we've done.
Exactly, I agree with this.

Saddam would have used gas, far less blood and a much higher body count, what on earth are we doing? When in Rome eh?
Sleepy said:
You misinterpreted my comment. It was in reference to Von Smallhausens post: "I really do back our troops 100% out there ... Are people naive enough to think that beatings do not go on in such warzones ?" Which can only be read as support of random beatings.

Absolute nonsense, and you obviously misinterpreted Von's post, he is being realistic about what happens in a "combat" situation and taking the pragmatic view that these things do happen. He neither supported nor condoned their actions.

Sleepy said:
BTW did this look like a controlled interrigation under the command of an NCO/officer or did it look like some hacked off troops kicking the **** out of some blokes picked up off the street.

WTF, some blokes picked up off the streets, did you watch the video?!!

okay, controlled interrogation;

British Officer:..Well old chap, it seems you have been throwing grenades and stones at British troops, what do you have to say for yourself?
Rioter: All Infidels must die!, Allah has commanded.
BO: Okay, well you understand of course that we are here, as a peacekeeping force, until a democratic Government is formed, and as such we have duties of crowd control to aid that process.
Rioter: Allah (or at the very least my local Iman) has decreed that ALL Infidels must die.
BO: okay old chap, perhaps you'd care for a cucumber sandwich and a nice mug of tea.
Rioter: ALL Infidels must die!!
BO: so why exactly were you rioting and throwing stones and grenades at my troops?
Rioter: ALL Infidels must DIE!
BO: Sergeant, take this Gentleman out the back and give him a beating would you.
Rioter: I want to see my Lawyer, and the reprresentative from the News of the World
BO:Oh, $hit, you are free to leave and kill as many British troops as you like, but please don't tell the British Public that we are not whiter than white, I beg you!!
Rioter: Allah be praised, I will kill as many Infidels as possible once I am released.
BO: Thank heavens, I thought for a moment there that the British Public would disapprove of my actions. Still, as long as too many don't die then I should still get my promotion!!.

That how you see it Sleepy....stiff British upper lip and lots of deaths?!!
Slam62 said:
Our soldiers shouldnt even be there, its a foreign country that did not threaten us in anyway, the Iraqis would have sorted out Sadam in the end, there were no wmds and no chemicals and now our soldiers have become a target for the locals.
The soldiers doing a bit of stress relieving is fine, i bet the locals were'nt eactly inocent, but what i find appalling is the polititions taking the holier than thou stance when they ordered the soldiers to hit the country with everything they could.

Dont get me wrong, Sadam is an evil man etc but its not our fight, obviously in this day and age its difficult for the public to accept 'Iraq wont give us any oil so we're going to go over to their place and duff them in', of course our gang, sorry professional soldiers are going to behave like gentlemen all the time and pat little iraqi on the head and say dont do it again. Us brits believe anything if it makes us feal more self righteous.

Ooo look at that nasty soldier kicking that nice iraqi how shocking, did you know quite a few nice iraqis got blown to bits in the war and a lot of others were maimed for life.

Good old james bond didnt do too well identifying the threat either, what do they all do at that nice new gchq building then and with those billions of taxes they spend.

They new for certain all along there were no wmds etc so why are we in iraq if not to nick he oil. Bring the soldiers home and let them beat each other up at an army camp.

Totally agree with you there except on when you say "stress relieving is fine". Is that what it was just some troops releiving stress, reminds me of what my head master said to my sister after a group of boys shouted racist abuse at her during school.

The media are just doing what they need to do to sell papers and this will.

The troops are always in danger around every corner, then am I being naive in saying they should not be in the army, I would never join the army because I know I could not handle being in that sort of situation.

This will cause uproar in iraq and get more terorists out of hiding to attack and kill more british troops.

What these scum done (on current evidence) was wrong plain and simple and they will probably get a slap on the wrist and that is it because like the Met Police racism exists in the british armed forces.

These are my opinions, people are always asking for evidence well where was the evidence to invade iraq. As far as I am concerned I only care for myself, Saddam was no threat to me so why is my elected government wasted my taxes to invade a country that posses no threat, yes we all know it's oil and also who really cares about a bunch of muslims anyway. RIGHT
The camera mans reaction to the events was the thing that disturbed me most. It actually sounded like he was getting some sort of sexual thrill out of watching teen boys getting kicked and whipped!

Lets not think that all British soldiers are like this. There were only about 6 men dealing out the beatings! Scum tbh.
fozzybear said:
Lets not think that all British soldiers are like this. There were only about 6 men dealing out the beatings! Scum tbh.

And another 20 odd stood idley by and let it happen. That is what I find most disturbing. We all know there are bad eggs in the armed forces with the scumbag filming being a prime example...but for dozens of soldiers just to walk past this without batting an eyelid is...well...disturbing.
@ jimmy
How do you see a squady then, a lot of them maybe most will show incredible self control and put up with being sent hundreds of miles from home to some *** hole of a country to try and make some people whose language they cant speak behave and let us rule their country and have all their oil so we can have nice cars and things to drive around in.
Whilst i must show respect to squadies because they will do a very nasty job for us when its needed, you cant expect some squady to have anything except the very basic behaviour patterns. Think controlled violence, sort of, they are not trained to be nice they are trained to be nasty. It must be a very difficult job out there now. It wouldnt surprise me if some of this was done deliberately so they got sent home. They wont get done anyway because no one will give evidence. Perhaps you could do a job swap with one and try it out, I know i couoldnt take it.
Slam62 said:
@ jimmy
How do you see a squady then, a lot of them maybe most will show incredible self control and put up with being sent hundreds of miles from home to some *** hole of a country to try and make some people whose language they cant speak behave and let us rule their country and have all their oil so we can have nice cars and things to drive around in.
Whilst i must show respect to squadies because they will do a very nasty job for us when its needed, you cant expect some squady to have anything except the very basic behaviour patterns. Think controlled violence, sort of, they are not trained to be nice they are trained to be nasty. It must be a very difficult job out there now. It wouldnt surprise me if some of this was done deliberately so they got sent home. They wont get done anyway because no one will give evidence. Perhaps you could do a job swap with one and try it out, I know i couoldnt take it.

So this is a training issue then, if this is how the british troops are trained then soemthing needs to be done to address this, as we are living in a different world today then we were 20 or 30 years ago

I have only ever known 1 person join the armed forces, he was not very bright in school and how he got into college I will never know (think it was GCSE resits) , very stupid and immature person if truth be told. When he told me he joined up I was shocked that someone like him could get into the armed forces.
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