Think these are postponed. Maybe they went back to the drawing board after all the bad feedback re: connectivity.
It wasn't even shown at CeBit.
Wouldn't be surprised if they're no longer the first to market now ... unless they have an exclusivity deal with LG that only starts ticking once it's available.
It isn't a Samsung panel because the only OLED units larger than tablets they produce are in test labs. Unless they've willfully chosen to mislead their shareholders over their production of large panel OLEDs in '17 as opposed to early Q1 '16. A Dell monitor also most certainly would not be their first large panel. Unless you're saying that Dell have paid an OBSCENE sum to samsung for an extremely limited run produced on their test fab, which would mean them likely losing thousands on each unit sold? They'd also likely suffer serious reliability issues as they aren't a consumer product. Also, according to Samsung, the tech their '17 big panel OLEDs will use to avoid longevity issues has only just been solved in their labs. I.E. pretty much no way, no how is a 4K 30" OLED Q1 '16 monitor Samsung.
Fair comments - and Dell themselves are very tight-lipped about their manufacturer. I did think it was very strange that it would be Samsung and it didn't seem to tally up with their current state of production at all. It's just that there were reports over on Korean Times and some other news agencies over there (which are generally rather reliable) stating that it was a Samsung piece. The more you think about it, the less plausible that is though.
Phillips upcoming IPS 43" beast is going to destroy the competition at this rate.
Psshhh, IPS is like monochrome now dude.
We OLEDnowsome time in 2020.
I will definitely be buying OLED when it gets below 1k and is suitable for gaming (100+Hz), ideally gsync / freesync
Psshhh, IPS is like monochrome now dude.
We OLED now.
According to a user that contacted a Dell rep, manufacture is delayed until summer due to unknown issues.