New Dell IPS S2721DGF 165hz gaming monitor

Now that's interesting, as for me it was between these 2 screens, but the Dell won on price. 144hz is enough for me, is Nano IPS better than Dell's offering?

These two monitors BOTH use the exact same Nano IPS panel manufactured by LG (as you may very well know, Dell is not a manufacturer of LCD panels. They buy panels from other companies and integrate them into their products). The reason why these two monitors are often compared together is due to this fact. They've got the same identical panel but Dell offers more features (guaranteed 165Hz operation, a slightly better stand with built in swivel and 4-port USB hub instead of 2-port on the LG).

There's not much differences between these two monitors, so if the choice is between these two, buy whichever is cheaper at the time of your purchase.
These two monitors BOTH use the exact same Nano IPS panel manufactured by LG (as you may very well know, Dell is not a manufacturer of LCD panels. They buy panels from other companies and integrate them into their products). The reason why these two monitors are often compared together is due to this fact. They've got the same identical panel but Dell offers more features (guaranteed 165Hz operation, a slightly better stand with built in swivel and 4-port USB hub instead of 2-port on the LG).

There's not much differences between these two monitors, so if the choice is between these two, buy whichever is cheaper at the time of your purchase.

Ok then, thanks - I didn't know that! In that case I guess I'll wait it out... I do prefer the Dell's stand
Now that's interesting, as for me it was between these 2 screens, but the Dell won on price. 144hz is enough for me, is Nano IPS better than Dell's offering?

I thought that this and the LG monitor linked used the same panel, just some differences in how it is controlled. The Dell with their three years premium warranty swap out has to be a strong consideration in favour of this monitor. Seems better than the two years (RTB...?) of the LG. The Hardware Unboxed video mentions the two in their review of the Dell monitor.
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they do use the same panel.. Dell is just a tad better..
see hardware unboxed video about Dell

edited: I meant dell is better not LG :)
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his surname is the same as a well known brand of jeans ;D

(says only 1 in stock anyway :) )

Not sure I've ever heard of Lewis jeans (You're thinking of Levi Strauss?). In anycase, they had a bunch of stocks a week or two ago and then all sold out, maybe they found one in the warehouse somewhere (or a customer return?)

At £389 it matches the Dell's website pricing (but you cannot benefit from Dell's discount codes). At this price, I'd probably save the 50 quid and go with the LG 27GL850 instead (at the current Overclockers' discounted price)
Monitor is great ...
the only thing that is really noticeable for me on bright screens is white uniformity
Tim is mentioning this in his review for both Dell and LG..

Ratings and other users reporting a row of dim pixels at bottom of panel at 60hz. Can someone check this/could this be the reason other than sales why Monitor went out of stock?
Ratings and other users reporting a row of dim pixels at bottom of panel at 60hz. Can someone check this/could this be the reason other than sales why Monitor went out of stock?
I can see this on mine.. also why would you use it @60Hz?
see my earlier post.. panel is a bit darker on the sides.. but not very distracting and its visible only on a very bright background
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