New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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did they do any A/B testing? Maybe that wasn't an option. I'm not sure I like this....but maybe in a few months we will wonder why we were bothered...
I'll add to my TamperMonkey User script as and when I find stuff which annoys me or people request certain things. As it stands I am using the following which removes Social media Elements, the Online Indicator, the NEW box for posts.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Custom Style Sheet OcUK
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Removal of specific Elements
// @author       Sin_Chase
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function addGlobalStyle(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (!head) { return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;

addGlobalStyle('.fa-facebook-square { display: none !important; }');    // Hide Facebook Square in Top Right of posts
addGlobalStyle('.sharePage { display: none !important; }');             // Hide entire "Share" element at base of page
addGlobalStyle('.onlineIndicator { display: none !important; }');       // Hide green triangular Online Indicators in avatar window
addGlobalStyle('.newIndicator { display: none !important; }');          // Hide NEW indicator in Top Right of posts

//addGlobalStyle('.node_1 { display: none !important; }');              //Hide an Entire Forum Sub Section on Index Page
// Node numbers MAY change and the below list is for guidance only
// node_122       Latest News
// node_72        Customer Service
// node_1        Hardware
// node_108       Apple
// node_71        Software
// node_27        Audio Visual
// node_22        Games
// node_11        Life
// node_38        Distributed Computing
// node_17        Members Market
// node_141       OcUK matters
// node_93        Archives
Favourite Sport is set to a required field on the user details. Probably shouldn't really be a required field.

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It's a mess ....

- Runs into the usual problem with forums using this software in that there is far to much wasted space in the layout design.
- This thread being a prime example the actual display in a thread, once there is a few quotes, looks really messy with seemingly boxes everywhere
- Can no longer collapse sections to hide in the main forum list, i.e. I'm not interested in Games or Distributed Computing so I normally hide those sections by collapsing them. Other people may do the same to other sections.

Overall, good try but it's as bad as I thought it would be ...

edit: I'd also note that my post count seems to have decreased by ~9 posts
The theory is good, but as someone said earlier, boxes within boxes within boxes, coupled with the shadow makes the whole thing too 'busy'. You tend to feel lost when your not even looking for something.

IMO you don't need the border around the user card, let alone the shadow
Looks alright (if a little 'busy'). Can see some new features which look good.

Can you turn signatures and avatars off independently?
Thanks. What will happen to existing YT tags? Do we have to manually edit them if we want them updated or is there some form of script you guys are going to run?
They should be working? The last page of the youtube post appears to work?
The theory is good, but as someone said earlier, boxes within boxes within boxes, coupled with the shadow makes the whole thing too 'busy'. You tend to feel lost when your not even looking for something.

IMO you don't need the border around the user card, let alone the shadow
And the white borders around the buttons. It's all very messy compared to the old smoother layout.
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