New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Really not impressed with the changes made, firstly to the shop site and now this.

I'm sure there are some decent feature improvements but it's far from easy on the eye.
Using the "old" code, I got :eek: instead of :redface: when I say old code I mean : o for :redface: and : eek : for :eek:, without the spaces of course.

Think I like it, much more than the shop site at least (which I still detest!)
It's heeeerrreee.......

Dont mind the layout but it looks really busy. It's the white outlines and drop shadows, they are out of place. The drop shadows make the user info pane on the left there stick out like a sore thumb and highlights the different sizes of them all and the white outlines just draw attention to the wrong parts; It's a bit awkward at the moment.

What else. umm each new post has a 'new' tag on the right hand side. it covers some of the text...


That's it for now, will have a proper gander later. It's got potential :)

edit: OMG the images scale to size now. EPIC.
Clicking a thread title will take you to the newest post :)
This is not the same. The old forum had the little icon beside the topic that allowed you to jump straight to the last post... Those with 80/100ppp will now take longer to scroll through if they have to click on the final page number.
Everything on the forums seems way too big to me now. Like we've suddenly gone upto 150% zoom whilst browsing through. The forum homepage looks stretched now with how big everything is.
Bleh, it is like avforums, cluttered when I have a tiny incognito window in the corner of my screen as it is being responsive and shrinking to mobile size :/
The theory is good, but as someone said earlier, boxes within boxes within boxes, coupled with the shadow makes the whole thing too 'busy'. You tend to feel lost when your not even looking for something.

IMO you don't need the border around the user card, let alone the shadow

Easily fixed!

TamperMonkey Script (Code in Spoiler) updated to remove shadow and/or border. Actually looks a lot neater without either of those stylings applied.


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Custom Style Sheet OcUK
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Removal of specific Elements
// @author       Sin_Chase
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function addGlobalStyle(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (!head) { return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;

addGlobalStyle('.fa-facebook-square { display: none !important; }');    // Hide Facebook Square in Top Right of posts
addGlobalStyle('.sharePage { display: none !important; }');             // Hide entire "Share" element at base of page
addGlobalStyle('.onlineIndicator { display: none !important; }');       // Hide green triangular Online Indicators in avatar window
addGlobalStyle('.newIndicator { display: none !important; }');          // Hide NEW indicator in Top Right of posts
addGlobalStyle('.messageUserInfo { box-shadow: none !important; }');    // remove Shadow from Avatar section
addGlobalStyle('.messageUserInfo { border: none !important; }');        // remove Border from Avatar section

//addGlobalStyle('.node_1 { display: none !important; }');              //Hide an Entire Forum Sub Section on Index Page
// Node numbers MAY change and the below list is for guidance only
// node_122       Latest News
// node_72        Customer Service
// node_1        Hardware
// node_108       Apple
// node_71        Software
// node_27        Audio Visual
// node_22        Games
// node_11        Life
// node_38        Distributed Computing
// node_17        Members Market
// node_141       OcUK matters
// node_93        Archives
It's far to "Busy" boxes within boxes. It just headache inducing
Boxes within boxes is the perfect way to describe it. It's all a bit overboard with the contrast between the lighter blue and darker blue. It's psychedelic, There are elements contrasted which don't need to be contrasted.

I'm still not sure what to make of the soft drop shadow under every "poster's box". Drop shadows could have been implemented in the overall design but that just looks out of place. Should have been a hard drop shadow not soft.
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