New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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If I look in my Profile page and look for my latest posts it only shows posts up to 25th August 2016...I've definitely posted since then!

*Edit* This post showed up fine in my "Postings".
i know how hard it is to please everyone tp be honest,

i think you have done a decent job, The only thing i dislike is the Dropshadow on user accounts.
Remove that that & overvall pretty decent changes. so far..
Is there a way to change the reply boxes so it is not white text/black background?
I'm hating this change like the majority seem to be but know this isn't the finished product so will allow the guys to work on it and tailor it to meet the acceptance of users before damning it to hell... However, white text on a black background genuinely does give me proper issues and it's not nice :(
Many of the things can be fixed with simple Style Sheet updates. I'm sure the guys will take on board user feedback and update.

Query - Does XenForo support multiple themes? If so then we can have the best of all worlds. Let use contribute some user driven changes to a couple of new Themes which we can then select and use.

I appreciate you guys don't want 1029109201920192019 themes should XenForo support them but it would be nice to have a one or two extras (Dark Theme, Simple Theme etc)
The below is a big improvement imo.

Easily fixed!

TamperMonkey Script (Code in Spoiler) updated to remove shadow and/or border. Actually looks a lot neater without either of those stylings applied.


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Custom Style Sheet OcUK
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Removal of specific Elements
// @author       Sin_Chase
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function addGlobalStyle(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    if (!head) { return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;

addGlobalStyle('.fa-facebook-square { display: none !important; }');    // Hide Facebook Square in Top Right of posts
addGlobalStyle('.sharePage { display: none !important; }');             // Hide entire "Share" element at base of page
addGlobalStyle('.onlineIndicator { display: none !important; }');       // Hide green triangular Online Indicators in avatar window
addGlobalStyle('.newIndicator { display: none !important; }');          // Hide NEW indicator in Top Right of posts
addGlobalStyle('.messageUserInfo { box-shadow: none !important; }');    // remove Shadow from Avatar section
addGlobalStyle('.messageUserInfo { border: none !important; }');        // remove Border from Avatar section

//addGlobalStyle('.node_1 { display: none !important; }');              //Hide an Entire Forum Sub Section on Index Page
// Node numbers MAY change and the below list is for guidance only
// node_122       Latest News
// node_72        Customer Service
// node_1        Hardware
// node_108       Apple
// node_71        Software
// node_27        Audio Visual
// node_22        Games
// node_11        Life
// node_38        Distributed Computing
// node_17        Members Market
// node_141       OcUK matters
// node_93        Archives
Oh, another annoyance ....

On the old forum the switches to turn off signatures and avatars were seperate. So You could turn off one and still have the other. Now there is just the one switch that controls both.
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