New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Videos borked in the Space and Astronomy threads. You fixed them in the YouTube thread so please fix them in these.

There are also video threads in motoring/motor sport/music that have been borked.

Please add to error list.

Think it's part of a wider problem with videos on the whole tbh
Think it's part of a wider problem with videos on the whole tbh
but but I want to scream and shout about it like my very life depends on it!

Looks like things are getting addressed and it is good to see the forum moving forward, people have moaned about the old setup for ages and then you change it to a new platform so they moan some more. I really don't see the problem it's still a forum still works the same(ish) and everyone will be used to it in a couple of weeks about the same time all the bugs are ironed out. It's like the wrist slashing everytime facebook has an update!
Would it be awesome though? There's already enough semi-NSFW signatures knocking around, I appreciate the lack of extra space for that type of thing (as someone who is at work 90% of the time)
I think so. On a lot of forums I visit I know who the poster is by their Avatar rather than having to read their username. I find it much easier to browse.
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