@haaammit A quick question for you (or anyone else with more experience of the server) are there any limits on where we mine, build or what we can build? Doing some reading on the FTB mods we can build automatic miners, mob grinders etc. but I know all this adds load / lag to the server. I'm guessing though being a 60 player server with only a handful of us the server can cope with these automatic farms?
Also on the subject of building automated things, it takes quite a lot of resources. I assume by
Post #90 that there is at least one mining world. Is this only for an automatic mine / quarry or can we manually mine it? I've found a nice area to build my base and done some caving for basic resources but thinking I need to do some proper mining which usually means branch mining. This is obviously under ground to has no effect on the surface but still I'd rather not tear up the overworld if there is already something in place for mining.
ty to petridish for the reply - I've typed up a slightly longer reply for you, hope it helps:
You can build whatever and wherever you want to – well maybe not a Draconic Evolution reactor at spawn ^_^ Those puppies destroy EVERYTHING in a 200 block radius if they go thermonuclear!!
Yes, feel free to automate mob farms/resource machines etc – that’s the fun part about modded!
Mob Farms – there are a few mods that can give you mob drops/experience. Probably the least server intensive one is woot as it doesn’t actually generate the mobs, it just gives you the drops
https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/woot I have used the EnderIO spawners with good visual results (2nd lower floor at my base). The downside is the mod physically spawns the mobs. This really in itself isn’t an issue (it’s basically like a vanilla spawner in that respect), but I suppose if your killing mechanism failed there is the possibility for mobs to build up. There are also mob spawners in DraconicEvolution, but these are very end/late game. I haven’t bothered as the woot farm fully upgraded is a beast!
Resource Gathering – there are a few options – RFTools has a builder block that will physically mine out the blocks in a set area. There’s another one, can’t remember which mod witout loading it up that also physically removes the blocks. The best option, imho are the EnvironmentalTech Void Ore and VoidResource miners. These don’t physically remove blocks, just generates them out of thin air. The lore behind it is the machine is supposedly mining in the void! These can be a bit grindy to get fully upgraded, but again are beasts when they are. To fully upgrade them you will need Dimensional Shards that you can only find in an RFTools dimension (see below)
Dimensions – There is the Overworld, Nether and End. There are also two further dimensions – Aroma1997’s mining world which is a super flat world – this is one dimension for the entire server, not unique for each player. Ore gen is the same as the overworld. Go nuts!
https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/aroma1997s-dimensional-world. There is another dimension called The Deep Dark – again there is one for the server. Ore gen is double, so a good place to manually mine, however, mobs have double health, there is a huge drop from where you teleport in to get down to where the ores are, and you must light it up. If you are in darkness, you will take damage from The Shadows
Finally there are RFTools dimensions. These are made by players, and will be specific to them. I’ve not done too much playing, but I did manage to make a dimension made entirely of Dimensional Shard Ore but the rf upkeep was astronomical, and the world had mining fatigue and hunger buffs. I managed to use an RFTools builder to mine up a large amount of ores.
Phew – hope that helps to some degree – have fun and catch you in game - Ham