New Gaming Rig Advice..

So in future:

z68 - Rev 2.0 (native usb 3 and PCIe16 3.0) - but need to contact seller for BIOS information.

Or z77.
Will just stick to finding a Z77 I think for him. They do seem pricey though. There is one ending tomorrow at 5ish tomorrow, 55 quid at the moment., no IO shield though, don't know if my old one from my old motherboard will fit?
Kudos - did you par boil potatoes or are they really crispy?

I love saute potatoes - just make a massive mess :)

Got them really crispy! Was lovely! Little bits of bacon in as well.

Haha it's a bit of a mess isn't it. My brother said he will buy my CPU off me once he can find a motherboard cheap enough.

I'm going to go ahead with Ryzen I think.
I wouldn't rule the z68 out as they're so much cheaper -especially a Rev 2.0 as it virtually has all the benefit of a Z77; especially if it has the right BIOS.

I would source a Z68 board that you like the look of and mail the seller and get clarification of what BIOS is installed - or what CPU was in the board before (but BIOS clarification is still crucial).
I wouldn't rule the z68 out as they're so much cheaper -especially a Rev 2.0 as it virtually has all the benefit of a Z77; especially if it has the right BIOS.

I would source a Z68 board that you like the look of and mail the seller and get clarification of what BIOS is installed - or what CPU was in the board before (but BIOS clarification is still crucial).

I'll get messaging some sellers if I can find any for sale that is!

How do I go about testing the speeds of my brother's hard drives? His SSD seems pretty slow but that is to be expected, I don't think it's a great one, it'll do though.

Have all the Windows 7 updates been installed?

Disable Drive Defragmentation Schedule
There are other things you can do - but do the below first.

Open up windows 7 device manager - do you see any yellow exclamation marks?

And list the recommended downloads that it hasn't installed.
I'll download that and report back the results.

Windows 10 it is mate. All the updates are installed as far as I can tell, clicked check for updates and says everything is up to date.

Just taking the dog for a walk, will do that when I get back.

Thats the SSD. Haven't a clue if that's any good or not.

No error signs in Device Manager.
  • Right click on the SSD drive
  • select properties
  • Tools tab
  • Optimise
  • Make sure the SSD is highlighted
  • Click optimise
  • reboot
  • Run CrystalDiskMark again

Think I'd already done that, here it is..
Well that's trim- Windows 10 have it under optimising the drive.

Just keep windows on this drive and everything else on the conventional HDD.

We could do other tweaks/setting but if your brother is buying your rig, you would not use that drive in it (other than a separate cache drive - another topic for another day).

(busy at mo but will answer as best i can)
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